
My day started with the mundane –
laundry, dishes, barn and coop chores.
College girl texted “what are you doing today?”
and I texted back.. “Just stuff around here”.
And I realize.. how LUCKY I am
to be able to text…
Just stuff around here.
Around here – this home we were fortunate enough to
be able to buy and refurbish – truly a dream come true for me.
Clothes to clean and a washer and dryer to do it with.
Dishes from a comforting meal the night before.
Barn chores – I am able to HAVE horses and chickens and dogs
and take care of them the way they deserve to be cared for.
My kids have more than they need, and extended family nearby to grow up with.
I have spent years in offices – one of which had no windows to the outside.
I know the 8-5:00 grind.
I am so grateful it’s a distant memory.
I have the luxury of time to figure out what comes next.
And I haven’t figure that out… yet.
In the comments section, let me know five things you appreciate today,
even if it’s your starbucks coffee or the pizza delivery guy. 


21 thoughts on “Gratitude”

  1. I can truly identify. Being able to retire at age 50 and get away from all the craziness of a stressful job was the best thing I ever did. I have been involved with a website called Grace in Small Things which is a place to go each day and write down five small things we are grateful for that day. Aside from my wonderful family and friends (which is a given) today I'm truly grateful for
    1. being able to live exactly where I want to.
    2. My ever loving little doggies
    3. My church and extended church family.
    4. My new venture into the blogging world.
    5. My realization that Life is always Good. Thanks for this opportunity.

  2. 1. My family
    2. A husband that tolerates my quirks
    3. Coffee
    4. An occasional margarita
    5. Not having to work outside the home, even though I need to work more inside my home

  3. 1. My bestest friend ever, my husband of 41 years.
    2. My parents who gave me life.
    3. My children who I gave life too.
    4. My grand children who makes life worth while as an older adult.
    5. My health to enjoy all of the above and so much more.

  4. 1. yes, my 'lazy' days these past 2 years as i'm in 'temporary retirement' mode.
    2. being able to shoot photos of a pair of mallards on our pond right from my office window this morning
    3. sunshine lifting temps from 28 this morning to above 50 this afternoon
    4. friends to communicate with
    5. my friend getting stronger after major surgery and maybe being released from the hospital tomorrow.


  5. 1. For my sweetheart who loves and appreciates me "just as I am." (Remember Bridget Jones??)
    2. For our home and the feeling of security it gives me.
    3. For my sissy, you know her as Snappy Di or The Blue Ridge Gal.
    4. For the joy of having my animals and being able to take very good care of them.
    5. For my…..okay, let's get materialistic on this one….my camera and iMac to enjoy my photography.

  6. 1. So grateful for my children.
    2. So grateful for my grandchildren
    3. So grateful for my parents and brother and sisters and their families.
    4. So grateful for a $500.00 bonus I received today.
    5. So grateful I have a job to pay my bills and feed my mouth.

    I am truly blessed! And truly grateful for all my blessings!

  7. Nice idea!

    1. My hubs
    2. My kidlets and their SOs
    3. My pets
    4. That I am occasionally funny
    5. That others don't mind when I'm occasionally funny

    Seriously, my life is good and I love all that I have and will have.

    Seriously good idea Karen!

  8. I'm thankful for
    *living at Thistle Cove Farm, a dream I've had since I was 6 years old.
    *food in the pantry, a warm house and nice clothes to wear, although you'd never know it from what I've got on now -smile-
    *family, friends and neighbors
    *being Dave's friend and wife for many happy, contented years.
    *blessings past, present and those yet to come
    And, very thankful for people who have left comments, sent e-mails and cards! to bless me and ease, if such a thing is possible, the transition from wife to widow.
    Karen, you blessed me thusly; may God bless you tenfold for your kindness toward me.
    Thank you.

  9. 1- I had the privilege of buying my son his first dress shirt and tie, and dress shoes- he looks so handsome!

    2- My counter filled with home baked cookies and lots of love 🙂

    3- I ate a normal meal today and did not want to vomit later 🙂

    4- My hair has gotten so thick I need a haircut to thin it out a bit!

    5- I have blog friends who give my blog a total holiday makeover and make me feel loved 🙂

  10. I'm thankful I have a husband that can love and tolerate me.
    I'm thankful I still have my mother and she has her health and her wits at 91 years of age.
    I'm thankful I have three wonderful, intelligent children that never got involved with drugs or alcohol.
    I'm thankful we don't live beyond our means.
    I'm thankful for everything God has chosen for me.

  11. 1. Thankful for family.
    2. Thankful that our two sons are flourishing in their careers – both with recent promotions.
    3. Thankful for a career that challenges me.
    4. Thankful for dinner out tonight with my husband.
    5. Thankful for the Christmas season and the Savior.

  12. Great post!

    I am thankful for:

    1. Having my kids home from college for Christmas and that they are both able to go to their choice of college and grow!

    2. My husband–it doesn't matter to him if I have a job outside the home or not. Even though I might go back to work at some point, I am so happy to be at home right now.

    3. My home–there are certainly bigger and better ones, but this one makes me happy every single day.

    4. My chocolate lab–almost 12 years old. He is starting to show his age, but is still a puppy at heart. I think people can learn a lot from the absolute sweetness of dogs.

    5. Blogging–I started last January and have learned so much, met so many talented people and have had some doors open for me that I never thought possible before starting this journey.

    During this busy time of year it's so good to step back and realize our blessings. Thanks for the post!


  13. 1. My dogs (no explanation necessary.)
    2. My cottage – cozy and warm.
    3. My cup of Peet's French Roast coffee.
    4. The sun, shining beautifully on this cold day.
    5. My husband, who helped me decorate our tree even though he didn't want to.


  14. I am so grateful for you & your family. The support we have gotten, every day I wake beside the love of my life, miracles….and chocolate. 😉 Love xo (the house looks sweet)

  15. So much to be thankful for:
    1. A husband I adore and who spoils me all the time.
    2. Wonderful,caring children(3 sons and 1 daughter)
    3. 5 terrific little grandsons
    4. 2 of these grndsons right here that we see and even babysit when we are needed
    5. All the beautiful,loving dogs I have been so fortunate to share my life with.

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