Greenhouse Project Continues…

 Those of you who were following along while we put This Old House
back together will remember Jeff – Mike’s best bud and Restoration expert.

He stopped by today to fix broken windows in the old doors of the new old greenhouse project.

Still four eggs in the industrial – area nest…

17 thoughts on “Greenhouse Project Continues…”

  1. Oh my…I always love your photos. I love that old glass doorknob. I wish you would happen upon my old house someday and give me some pointers!! It got revamped in the late 70's/early 80's and egads is there a lot to cope with…

    This next month I'm going to try and restore the original hardwood I found upstairs in the baby room under layers of bad carpet. I am slightly afraid! 🙂

  2. FANTASTIC PHOTOS!!! Glad the eggs are doing well. Back to my sinnin' corner. *hangs head in shame and weeps

  3. Sweet! Love the doorknob! Is your computer fixed??

    Don't worry Ms. A…. I'm a sinner today too.. pfftt… like I care. LOL

  4. Gorgeous photos!! You guys have so much going on!

    OK, Giselle is Hunter's; Lucy is Britt's. LOL

    What's the sinnin' corner? I wanna go!! 🙂

  5. Good to see you back! I am so in love with your greenhouse! Love that you used old windows in it…The photos are all supurb…but I stopped longest at the door know too:)

  6. The greenhouse looks great! I love the birdhouse, the nest and the bee pictures too!

    Have a great weekend.

  7. Alas, you will always be a step ahead of me with goodies! I HEART your chicken coop but I ENVY the greenhouse! Glad you have your computer woes fixed. Happy Mom's Day sweetie!

  8. Ohhh that sure looks like spring to me! And now I want a green house too! And chickens, and an old house and a door with a glass handle… well darn anyway, maybe I'll just come visit yours 🙂 ha! Happy Mother's day!

  9. I'm so jealous! I want a greenhouse so badly. Maybe next year…

    Are your sure your hubby's friend isn't Mikey from American Choppers? Just saying….

  10. Nice to see Jeff! Not that I have a crush on him or anything. I'll deny . . . don't make me deny.

    The greenhouse is so awesome.

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