We love it, we hate it.  We want it where we don’t have enough of it and we want to get rid of it where we have too much of it.   Doesn’t seem fair, does it. 

  I have had long hair, I’ve had sorta short-ish hair.  My husband loves REAL short hair on women.. go figure.  I don’t know if I’ll choose really short hair unless I’m lucky to get really old.  – not that there’s anything wrong with really short hair.

  I only go to the hairdresser a few times a year, if that.  Lazy about the trims, don’t like sitting in a salon chair for any length of time, although I have a terrific stylist who is fun and spunky and makes the time go by fast. 

  So, what to do.  Two nights ago at the dinner table…

Him:  Um… are you going to the hair salon this week?   (he never pays attention to these things)

Me:  Why, yes I am. I have an appointment on Wednesday.

Him:  Good, your hair is looking ratty.

Now, right there I wanted to maybe slap him, or perhaps just an arm pinch and a really mean stare.

But right behind him came the rising son’s remark….

Him 2:   Yeah, mom, definitely… get a haircut.

So off I go tomorrow and I don’t know what to do.  Help me out here.  First, I am getting a glaze, which is not quite a Dye Job, but sort of a rich color wash to deepen and fortify the color.  I think.

Shorter days…

My current ratty self…

This is what I have in mind maybe… maybe not? 
(minus the color)
Or this?

So, what say you… any other suggestions?   I have plenty of hair, but
it’s fine/thin.  Sometimes what I want isn’t do-able with the styles I like.

  oooh, Stephen…..