A Hair raising experience

  Frasier is a poodle spaniel mix, we think.  What’s definite is his poodly hair.   I’ve never had to deal with poodle hair before because in general I’ve never really been a poodle person.  This I have learned with Bailey and Frasier… (both are poodle mixes, but Bailey has terrier hair)… Poodles are the smarts in this mix. I’m amazed at the intelligence of these dogs.  When Frasier looks at you, it’s like he’s human…and they both wear their emotions on their ..  proverbial sleeves.

  So getting back to the hair. Frasier was definitely getting poofy in recent weeks, and it was clear that he was getting hot underneath the poof.  I had an appointment with a friend who is a partner in rescue work and a dog groomer as well.  She and I were the mobil unit looking for Frasier when he was turned loose by his adopter of 25 minutes.  

But I’m impatient and Frasier was hot. 
Although he looks so cute,  like a stuffed animal with all that hair, don’t ya think?

 I went to Petco and bought clippers, thinking I could just get this over with myself.   

 And I did.  Felt like I was sheering a sheep.
 It ain’t pretty… but it will do.
Just hush.

28 thoughts on “A Hair raising experience”

  1. You need to just bite her Frasier if she ever comes at you again with that weapon of choice she used! You poor poor boy. LOL

  2. I've seen worse! My dad did the same thing with his 3 Maltese and boy…what a mess. I've been considering the same thing with my Shih Tsu because we are over due for a hair cut since our groomer was in a car accident. Tuesday should be the day though.

    He's still so cute…it just adds to his charm:)

  3. Ya didn't do bad!! I have two scotties that hate groomers, so we had to get the clippers. It saves big bucks, too and the dogs are happier. Five slices of lunch meat later, they don't look like black teddy bears anymore.

  4. Dear Frasier,

    Say this over and over. It is just hair. It will grow out. I can wear a hat. If mom comes near me again with the clippers, I can run and hide. If Bailey laughs, I will not retaliate… I will not retaliate… I will not retaliate…



    P.S. We had poodles the whole time I grew up. I love them and you are right that when they look at you, it is like looking at a human. I love poodles!

  5. One thing about curly hair… it doesn't show mistakes like straight. He looks great and any boo boos will be grown out in no time! Good job, Mama!

  6. Our little dog Hermione has this kind of wiry, permanently curly hair…I've tried, the groomer has tried, my girls have tried to straighten and smooth it after bathtime…but to no avail. Some dogs are just supposed to have kinky hair, I guess. Our Hermione is a mix and your post makes me think she must have some poodle in her.

  7. HaaaaaaaaaahahahahahhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! Frasier looks so cute though!!!!!!! A bit embarrassed – but very CUTE!!! LOLOLOL!!!!

  8. Awwww, I don't think he could look anything other than cute.

    The Shnauzer that we had, had those soulful eyes. It about killed me the day she had to go due to lymphoma. I still see her eyes looking at me from that day. Katie Elizabeth was Patti's dog for years,and then they decided I needed her. And, I did. Now, Hopper? hmmmmm 🙂

  9. Okay- That DOES IT! You are NOT cutting MY hair! lol What a cool haircut…and I mean that in a physical sense!;>) xo Diana ps..if I were a really "nice" blogger I would lie and tell you how great he looked~

  10. Dear Frasier,

    You are such a good sport! Isn't it great to be cool? (just keep him away from all mirrors and he will be fine with it!!) Funny coming from someone who has several dogs that have ended up looking like Frasier!!

  11. I had an adorable cocker spaniel years ago and we tried giving her a shave once. Once.

    Her fur was just like carpet and overheated the shaver.

    Some things are best (for me) left to the groomers.

    I even take my dog George to the doggy beauty parlor! They all love him over there for his bath and pedicure. lol

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