Hair Club for Horses

  Now this is a concept I used to think was just ridiculous.  Really silly.   I mean, no way in a frozen hell with three blue moons would I ever buy a fake tail for my horse.  Come on, are ya serious?

 I bet you didn’t know ( unless you are already a horse show person) that many of the horses you see going ’round and ’round the arena are sporting a fake tail.   A WEIGHTED fake tail, even.   All the better to present the horse, you see.

These horses have tail extensions.
(I did take these from the internet, no offense intended to the actual horse owners)
This horse is having a really bad tail day…
 This is K with Beemer last summer…  tail or no tail?… you be the judge.
This is what tails look like unattached to a horse…
These are a feathered cut, and there are also blunt cuts
This is what Max looks like without a tail extension.
 –K will be mad about this posted pic  “Mom!! Weird face!!-
This is what came in the mail all the way from Florida the other day…
Just hush.

19 thoughts on “Hair Club for Horses”

  1. I had no idea. This is the something new I learned today 🙂
    Where does the hair for the tail come from… other horses or humans or are they synthetic.

  2. Well, if I was a horse I'd prefer the feather myself. However, I'm guessing that "tail" you got from FL is for K's horse. 🙂

    She always looks pretty no matter what. Beautiful girl.


  3. Hi Karen, what do I know about horses except they are just magnificient beasts! Beemer's tail looks great…Max might need an extention. LOL they are beautiful horses. Great pics. Interesting post. Blessings, Karen

  4. When looks are part of the package, I guess a girl's gotta do whatever she can to compete. If that means extensions for the tail, so be it. It goes along with the saddle and bridle and the show clothes.

    That daughter of yours sure is a lovely little thing.

  5. "Never in a frozen hell with 3 blue moons" ????????? That's the funniest thing I've ever heard in my life!!!!! Love it !!!

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