Hair Club for Horses – Part 2

   We received Max’s “hairpiece” in the mail, and I’m happy (and embarassed) to report it’s a match!

For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about.. (understandable!)
previous post HERE

Daughter K and niece S with Max and Dude.
My sister and I bought the two seniors at the barn,
two  17 yr old geldings who are worth their weight in gold
for their been-there-done-that  calm attitude.
I call us the equine geriatric society. (meaning the horses!)
Like fine wine, I’m tellin ya!  

9 thoughts on “Hair Club for Horses – Part 2”

  1. Did you know I heard recently that there are dishonest folks actually cutting off the tail hair from horses (belonging to other people!) to sell as these extensions? I'm sure you are using a reputable company — but I thought of you when I heard this local story.

  2. Hey, or should I say "hay", everyone's getting extensions, why not the horses? I never knew horses wore air pieces, but you learn something new everyday right?

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