Happiness is…

…a well used birdbath amidst happy perennials…

….adirondacks side by side and a firepit to roast marshmallows….

..a farmstand like this…

 …the color of eggplant… midnight purpley-black

 happy little notes left by neighbors in our farmstand log….
like these….
See the smiley?
 These notes make our day more than any dollar amount …

 The soft little clucks of contented chickens…

… and their forrest Gump feathers that float and settle here and there…

 Little horses with bird groupies that follow them through the field…
 That face….

 These half-chaps and paddock boots…
 …and the first leaf to turn…

 Where ever you are reading this … tell me…
what three things bring happiness to you in your immediate environment.

31 thoughts on “Happiness is…”

  1. These things bring me happiness:
    1. Being married to a man that allows me to be me. A man who can grow his own tomatoes.

    2. Living amongst mountain views in what I consider to be one of the most gorgeous places in the USA, even though the summer months drive me nuts.

    3. Having 'stuff'. I was single for so many years and went without much, so YES, money is buying me a bit of happiness.

    Yes, I'm a shallow bitch but I don't care. So shoot me.

  2. Three things?

    1. Kittens, duh! Just looking at those little furry faces makes stress and anguish melt away. Purring is the best medicine ever invented.

    2. Digging in dirt. Turning shovels of soil and working with growing things reinforces what it is to be alive. Flowers are a bonus.

    3. Living in our dream location in the country, in my dream house, with the planet's best neighbors. I can walk out the door in my pajamas in the morning, in a place where so many people have walked before me.

    I am blessed.

  3. Can't help myself I love "that face" too.
    Immediate happiness… right now?
    Having a dog nearby
    Aspen leaves … quaking outside the window
    Sun lit thunder clouds hanging over the mountains nearby

  4. Ah, so much makes me smile. First off, your pictures are lovely and I enjoyed my visit. Just a few of the things that make me happy…
    1. the sound of our horses munching their breakfast as the sun rises….peaceful quiet.

    2. drops of dew hanging from my vegetable plants.

    3. the delight of my grandson as he tastes his first homegrown peach…..

    and so much more!!

    Have a lovely weekend, Karen….your place is just perfect!

  5. Happiness tonight, 3 things, my cup of hot tea, my recliner and my computer.
    Busy day, had 3 grandkids, went to visit my mother at her assisted living home, grocery shopping, made homemade pizza, and loaded the camper.
    Tomorrow 8 hours of work and then we are out of here!

  6. right now in my immediate environment…

    My quiet bit of computer time

    My fur baby snoring (not so softly) on the dining room rug

    Hearing football on the t.v. and knowing that my husband is in heaven watching t.v. right now!

    In the morning the best thing in the world that makes me happy will be the sweet toothless smile that will wake me up with a "Good morning Mommy"


  7. 1. An 8-mile hike to White Pine Lake with wildflowers at their peak – it was spectacular this week (Northern Utah).
    2. Taking that hike with my husband.
    3. Listening to fabulous music while hiking.

  8. Lovely post. It looks like a corner of paradise is there at This Old House!

    Hmmmm you said "immediate environment" so that means I can't say my 4 sons that are flung to the four corners of the country.

    1. My mothers old secretary desk that I had refinished.
    2. Mr. Biggs our 15 year old Jack Russell who is snoozing beside me.
    3. My new white iphone…. thank you DH Joe for dropping my old black one last week.

  9. 1. I counted 13 surfers waiting for a wave that never came, yet they were smiling from ear to ear just to be sitting out in the sunshine, on their boards, on a beautiful summer day.

    2. My pup's tail is wagging in her sleep as she lies dreaming at my feet.

    3. My mom didn't get sick after chemo today.


  10. Your stone walls are amazing. I could look at them all day. I adore the dog in the picture, peeking over the wall! If you had that farmstand in my neighborhood you'd be all sold out. Beautiful post.

  11. Hi Karen,
    This post makes me HAPPY! Such lovely things. Even the leaf although it made me cringe a little.
    My daughter, my cat, my friends… those are the obvious ones!
    Have a lovely weekend!
    Those notes from your neighbors are wonderful!

  12. Karen,
    I love this post. Love Forest Gump feathers. Love happy chickens. (I THINK mine are happy too…the way the hum and sing.)
    Fall is coming, fall is coming…doing the happy dance.
    xo, Cheryl

  13. 1. our son who is actually laughing and talking with us

    2. photos of my neighbor and his girls…they've had a rough time and i love that i caught them having fun.

    3. weather that has a fall feel to it, that let us eat outside last night

    can i come and sit on your rock wall…actually i want to take photos of you with your wall. how does 3pm sound….ellen is a repeat anyhow 🙂

  14. My funny little puppy-I call her my giant hampster.
    My gigantic orange cat.
    The wasps that live under my deck and are docile and tolerant of us, as we are of them.

    I love that your neighbors leave you little notes at your stand. How sweet.

  15. Beautiful post, gorgeous photo's of your place. I can't believe how much ya'll have accomplished! 🙂

    Have a great weekend.

  16. Just spent some time finally catching up on your lovely blog. Life is sure crazy these days…in a good way!
    My 3 things?
    My husband…my miracle.
    My gardens & the creatures in them.
    The moon…last night was amazing.
    Have a great weekend!

  17. my family, god's green earth and the happiness that lives in my heart. Thanks for letting us come for a visit and carry some blessings away!

  18. 1. the quiet of the morning with fog and bird call as my companions as I sit on the balcony

    2. anticipating my final spaaaaah treatment at 8:30

    3. leaving for Vienna Airport Hotel at noon in preparation to, God willing, catch my Monday a.m. flight HOME!

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