Happiness Is…

… discovering that our “new” old house has already been approved by several bird families and they have taken up residence even as the crew continues their noisy work nearby.  There are many bluebird houses in the fields and a few near the garden. All are inhabited.  But this really surprised me.

   I saw this little shell yesterday under one of the big cedar shrubs we planted at the back of the house, thinking it had been blown under there by the wind…
but we soon discovered upon closer inspection….
……a nest of baby robins. 

It’s the little things, you know…..

11 thoughts on “Happiness Is…”

  1. That is so lovely & hopeful. Nothing brings happiness to my heart more than nest of baby birds! 🙂

  2. Look how sweet they are all tucked in together in that nest. Glad you discovered them and shared them with us.


  3. We lost all our baby barn swallows on Sunday. They built their nest in the oddest place this year, next to a beam. And one by one the babies kept hopping on the beam, out of the nest, and would fall to the ground. ugh.
    Now Mom and Pop bird are building again at the other end of the barn. I am hoping for better nest building this time!!!!

    xo, misha

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