Happy Hour

 Last night the guy and I went to my favorite mexican restaurant to decompress.  I needed decompressing, you see… because this week has been less than joyful due to the still-unpacking nature of things at This Old House plus the financial stress of still owning two mortgages, my back went out,  the camp schedule for the manchild and  my back went out, my work schedule thankfully still part time, (my back!)  and the three times daily cleansing of the horses GAPING CHEST WOUND schedule.   

My charming little quarter horse thought he might try on a fence post as, oh.. I don’t know… a chest piercing maybe?…  and he learned it hurts alot and bleeds profusely too!!… plus there’s the gaping hole that remains, minor detail.  Kinda like those holes left by the (what do you call them) … pegs?  you see people wearing now and then in their ears.  I’ve always wondered what happens with those holes when they get tired of wearing the big round peg things.  Do they close back up or is surgery needed to repair the earlobe?  Anyone know? Just wondering.

  Anyway… I had my favorite things (cheese enchiladas with a big bowl of fresh quacamole and if you don’t recognize that drink, you’ve been missing out on something really good). …. in an atmosphere I just love.  The buzz was a necessary evil at the end of a hectic day…. it was truly a happy hour.


10 thoughts on “Happy Hour”

  1. We love going out for Mexican food. I told my husband we go so much that one day we will wake up speaking Spanish. I think that is a Mojito. I like margaritas on the rocks with salt. Yum. Sorry about your horse and your aching back!

  2. Ouchie… so sorry about your horse. Glad you got out and decompressed. I try to take my Hubby out for dinner on Friday nites so he can chill after a week of stress at the office… It seems to help him.

    Take care of your back!

  3. This just proves something that I tell people all the time … guacamole has the power to make everything better. See? It's working, isn't it.


  4. Here I am thinking that the Mojito probably makes everything better!! I'm really sorry to hear about your back injury….those are the worst! And why is it that they ALWAYS happen when we are the busiest??? And your poor horse! As if you don't have enough going on…sure hope things improve for you and SOON!!!

  5. Oh my, please rest your back. I know that is the only thing that will help because my hub's back is out right now too. Rest, relax and destress and start again in a few days.
    Oooh, what an injury for your horse. I hope it is healing. I think it will heal from the inside out. Get better Sweetie!

  6. Well, goodness gracious, girl! I'm sorry about your back and your beloved horse. Glad you went out and enjoyed the evening though.

    Take care, and rest. The unpacking can wait!!

  7. I'm late… something was causing my blogger dashboard to freeze and wasn't letting me get to everyone. During my downtime, I had some Mexican food and a margarita.

    Sorry about your back, but it's no wonder it hurts! And your poor horse, all I can say is "ouch".

  8. Mojito!!! Yummm. One of my best friends makes a killer mojito! We love Mexican food too. Now I think I want that tonight! So sorry about your horse. Hope he heals soon. Every now and then, a buzz is a good thing!!! Hey! I was your 50th follower! Congrats!

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