A Happy Tail

  Let’s go back to the last Dog Days Adoption Event in Old Saybrook. At the end of the weekend there were just a few dogs left… one, named Wally, captured all of our hearts. You can see his adoption video here.   We had all been cuddling Wally that day, sad that he just wasn’t finding his forever home.  After a few hours of searching for Frasier in a nearby neighborhood – ( the lost newly adopted dog who was soon to become my own) – I had just returned to the event to find Wally in the arms of a lovely couple who were in the process of adopted him!  I had tears in my eyes…

I was able to catch up with these wonderful folks and get an update on Wally’s new life.  Thank you, Liz and Brenda!…..

  We just love Wally and he is the best dog for us. He is a blessing for sure. We kept his name because one of our sons lives in Wallingford, lovingly known as Wallyworld and we added Peace because he is pure peace to have here.

The first picture is of Wally coming home. Unfortunately, we had a house full of people the first night, but he went to sleep under the table with craziness all around.

The second picture is of Wally after a busy day at the ball park with George. He loves to travel in the car and go wherever we are going. Notice that he loves his grandmothers quilts best. Nothing is too good for this dog.

 The third picture is of Wally in his game day shirt. My daughter-in-law that found him for us in Old Saybrook, ordered a shirt for him that lets everyone know that he is with the Coach of 960 WELI.

We have a farm nearby that we visit to see animals with our grandchildren. Wally goes too. He and the bunny hit it right off. They were digging from both sides of a fence to see each other. He also likes the pony and goats.

Wally is with his sister, The Sequelle. He has never tried to chase her, but she keeps her distance for now. As much as he likes to bark at squirrels and birds, he seems to respect her space and she his.

We love this dog and I am healthier for the great walks that we take together every morning and night.


16 thoughts on “A Happy Tail”

  1. Another success story, and another example of why adopted rescue dogs are the BEST dogs. Way to go, Wally … you waited patiently until YOUR family came to take you home.

  2. This is so heartwarming- Wally is super cute and how could you not want to bring him home? I'd be in so much trouble… I'd want them all 🙂

  3. Karen, these catch up posts with dogs who've been adopted are absolutely my favorites! So special!! I love to hear the various new owners talk about not how they've changed the shelter dog's life but how the dog has changed theirs. Yep. That's what it's all about :):)

  4. Love a happy ending!!! Wally is soooo cute and looks like he's fitting right in with his new owners!

  5. I love that you have been able to do some follow ups, with some of the dogs… like Chip, Wally AND, of course, Frasier!

  6. I love reading these success stories Karen! This little dog is adorable and his new family sounds so happy with him:)

  7. Yes I remember Wally. I considered adopting him too. He was being adopted just as hubby went back on Sunday. I'm glad to see he's being loved and cared for.


  8. I love it when you tell us these happy adoption stories. I love my little Izzie ( a beautiful little Havanese) so much, but if I could I would take every little rescue I see home with me.

  9. What a great story and a great looking dog. How in the world does a dog like that HAVE to be adopted. Crazy.

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