The hardest part of pet ownership

 She was twelve years old. By rottweiler standards that’s a long life. We were wondering how she’d take the move to This Old House.  Last night we had to make the decision to end her struggle with a tumor in her spleen which kept rupturing and rendering her weaker with each episode.  Our vet explained  her deteriorating condition and gave us time with her.   She passed peacefully in my arms ….but how I hate those moments.  How I hate having to make those choices.

Rest in peace, Tara girl.

33 thoughts on “The hardest part of pet ownership”

  1. Karen, my heart goes out to you this morning. It seems to take forever to get over losing a sweet pet. We still miss ours…. the decision is always very difficult to make. Plant a garden for her and her memory,,, its very healing. 🙂

  2. You know what I am feeling about this. We have an old sick rottweiler right now. I'm so sorry you lost your sweetie, Karen. I'll be thinking of you all day today.

    Sending a hug your way.

  3. Karen, sorry to hear about Tara. I know you folks have struggled with this these past few months…it is never an easy time. I've had to make those choices with 4 previous dogs over the years, and it's always a sad time.
    I try to think of all the good times and joy that family pets bring to our lives…then I guess it's worth it….remember all the good times!….Tim

  4. Oh Karen, I'm so sorry to read that you had to make that decision! You clearly gave Tara a wonderful life, 12 years old for a Rottie is a very long life! Losing a pet is so very hard and I'm sorry for your loss.


  5. I'm so sorry. It's truly one of the most emotionally difficult parts of life and only time will make the hurt go away. We had a Rottie mix who lasted to age 10 1/2. I still think of him each day. They are wonderful dogs.

  6. Karen, my dear, it takes the most loving of pet owners to do what you did last night. Tara was comforted by you till the end … aww, poop … now I'm crying. Sending you a virtual hug this morning.

  7. You are so right about the hardest part of pet ownership. And the years with them seem to go by so fast. First they are puppy mess makers, then stout adults who are perfect companions, then seniors who have slowed down, but who offer so much. Will you have another Rott? We had our own Good Dog, Carl (her name was Dolly), and though she was probably my favorite dog I ever owned, we have not brought ourselves to getting another Rottweiler. I think the expectations for the new one would be hard to live up to.

    Damn tumors!

  8. I'm so sorry for all of you. It IS the hardest part of having pets and truly love them. My heart goes out to you.

    Big hug,

  9. Your so right, that is the worst part of pet ownership. I'm sure you feel you lost a family member, that's how it has always been for us.
    I'm sure Tara had a great life with you and your family, you just need to remember that.
    I know, easier said then done.

  10. Ohhhh, so sorry for your loss… my heart goes out to all of you. I remember the emptiness and quiet those first few weeks. Every now and then a new reminder pops up that makes the loss feel as those it were the first day all over again… hoping that one day soon the sweet memories with her will bring you comfort…

  11. My deepest sympathies…that is one of the hardest things to do, I've had to do it several times with my elderly pets. Our furry children are family, and it is so hard to say goodbye.
    You are in my thoughts and prayers, dear.

  12. I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet dog. We had to say goodbye to two dogs several years ago and it was like loosing a family member. May memories of happy times console you when you miss her too much.

  13. I am so, so sorry. This is the hardest thing about loving a pet – having to make the decision to say goodbye. I'm still not over our Winston's death 7 years ago.

    Bless you and your family as you deal with the loss of your dear pet.


  14. So sorry to hear about Tara. We know how painful it is.

    To be with your dog at the end of their life is hard we know – we hope you find comfort knowing Tara went to sleep secure in your love for her.

    Run free Tara xxx

  15. Your loss brings tears to my eyes… own pit bull, Eddie, is sitting near me as I write, with his nose on the open window sill…he is 13….and I am grateful for every day we have with him, because I know they are numbered.
    If I have to make that decision, I hope I am strong, like you.

  16. Oh Karen, so sorry to hear that about your pup. It's always so hard saying goodbye especially when she has been with you for so long. Sending you hugs… R.I.P. Tara…

  17. Karen, There's a terrific book I recommend for reading with your kids some evening when you are having a remembering Tara time. It's by Cynthia Rylant, and it's called Dog Heaven (Blue Sky Press, an imprint of Scholastic, 1995).

  18. I'm so very sorry. It hurts unbelievably, I know. Create a little memory garden to visit. I've even made them in containers. Adding herbs with meaning, such as rosemary for remembrance. Then every time you catch the scent in a breeze, you will remember her sweetness.

  19. Those moments and those choices are the hardest part. Your Tara was very lucky that you handled the hardest part so well.

  20. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, the ABSOLUTE HARDEST! I'm so sorry – I have (3) that are getting closer everyday – I KNOW the PAIN all to well. Hang in there!

  21. Karen….I am so very sorry for your loss…and believe me…I know what you are going through…having just lost my own. Hope they are running free together. My heart and prayers go out to you today.

  22. My heart is breaking for you. Pet ownership or any great love includes sacrifice. You did what you had to do out of love for her. She rests in peace and has no more pain or discomfort. Your memories will last a lifetime and once the sorrow starts to go away, you'll be able to tell the stories and feel the great love all over again. Deepest Condolences from one dog lover to another.

  23. I am so very sorry, Karen. It is never easy to let a pet go on.
    The one thing I do know is that it is a great thing that we have the ability to let them go on and not continue to suffer.

    Our lovely vet told me this a few years ago, "Of all the wonderful things you did with and for your pet over the years, this is the greatest act of love and compassion you can give."

    I so agree.
    many hugs to you and your family. misha

  24. I know how you feel. We made a decision like that with my 9 yr old cat in June as well. It was the hardest thing I've had to do. I miss her every day! Hugs to you!

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