
The cycle of nest building to egg laying
to hatchlings to taking flight is nothing less than amazing…
Just a few weeks ago one nest was abandoned for another…
then eggs were laid…
and yesterday I noticed what appeared to be momma bird
feeding babies.
So I got the bar stool out and snuck up while she was
out grocery shopping..and took a few more blind shots.

Interesting facts:
 For the Barn Swallow,
Incubation period is about 15 days.  The nesting period is 16 to 23 days.
Once established, pairs usually stay together to breed for life,
but extra-pair copulation  is common, making this species genetically  polygamous,
 despite being socially monogamous.
 Males guard females actively to avoid being cuckolded.
I’m not touching that one.

15 thoughts on “Hatchlings”

  1. They're so delicate and vulnerable- what great shots of them. Mating and pairing, ahem, interesting… even birds can go all 50 shades…

  2. we have so many and they are so messy and so noisy but i love nature, so there you have it.

    have you ever noticed how the babies, even when they can fly, come back to the nest at night ??

  3. Yesterday while visiting my Mom at the Assisted living home, she showed me her barn swallows. She has an end room, with a big glass doors at the end of the hallway. Babies were learning to fly, so cute. They keep her entertained for hours. (Someone will have to clean her door soon!)

  4. Great blind shots! But I agree with others…get a step-stool before you fall!

    Love the info…but I am still trying to figure out what extra-pair copulation is:)

  5. I am also leaving that alone. Great shots, those little mouths open, cute. It is amazing to watch and you have a front row seat, very neat.

  6. We live in Texas and have our second set of Barn Swallows nesting at our front door overhang. They are about to fledge. I really don't care for the mess they make–but we love birds and nature and my husband just washes to cement off daily. Since it is so warm here I wonder if we will have more families coming to visit. They are fun to watch grow–it is amazing how fast they go from just hatched to hanging over the nest ready for their first flight…

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