Healthy Fall Recipes

Although the humidity outside would make you question it,
fall is truly on the way now that we’ve entered September.  
In the spirit of healthy and hearty eating,  I’m sharing a few recipes
others have shared with me…
Orange Velvet Pumpkin Layer Cake
Crock Pot Balsamic Chicken
Easy Carmel Apple slices
 Simply melt the carmel, slice apples in half, take out the core and center
with melon baller or spoon.. fill with melted carmel, let set, and slice!
YUM!  and sorta healthy.
 Hearty Slow Cooker Beef Stew
Zucchini Almond Cake
Hilary of Crazy as a Loom says this is the bomb.
I was going to include a gluten free pie crust, because who doesn’t love pie, right?
But holy cow, every recipe I find seems kinda complicated and
I don’t know if it will be good.
Maybe buying a frozen gluten free crust at the health food store is best.
I’m also looking for a new slow cooker.
Any of you have one you absolutely love?
Do tell…