New England just experienced an awful heatwave, just like much of the country. We spent part of it at a week-long horse show. When the temps hit 100 we opted to give ourselves and more importantly our horse a much needed reprieve from the heat.
I must confess I am conflicted about our involvement in horse showing. In any sport that involves animals, there is some cruelty in the mix. If you’re an animal lover as I and my daughter are, there is no denying it. My experience is in the quarter horse industry, but the abuses are present in all disciplines. I cringe when I see folks celebrating a Kentucky Derby race – if you’re truly aware of what is involved in the horse racing industry, I don’t know how the conscience allows the support of it. What I can say, and what let’s me support my daughter’s involvement in showing, is we are surrounded by people who genuinely give a damn about their horse. Our show barn family are a decent, caring lot, for the horses in their care, and toward each other.
I’m pretty certain if there is a God, when the time comes, he or she will swing the gates wide open for horse show moms, no questions asked. …..Practice, patience, practice, patience, dirt, heat, cold, rain, laughs, tears, cheers, Dirt, more dirt, and a few curse words sprinkled in….
Speaking of K – the home we are building next door is coming along beautifully. Because this is what we do for a living, it’s truly a family affair – my husband and son are building it, a labor of love for our daughter and her guy. That makes it extra special for K, who has been saving her money responsibly since she was a waitress at a retirement community in HS, and the past ten years as a secretary at a Bank. She is now seeing the rewards of hard work and thrilled to see it unfold. And so are we – truly feeling so blessed to be able to help her achieve this monumental goal of her own home with her partner in life.
We’ve been enjoying a little relaxation time at the cottage, where the gardens including the tomatoes are insanely happy, despite our doing not one thing to encourage it. Go figure. I’m thinking it must be the sea air…
It’s not often I get him to sit and relax for 15 minutes. I think on this day it may have been 20.
Here on the farm, my vegetable garden is anemic despite my efforts in the fertilization and watering department. I have no idea why. We’re getting small amounts of produce, but nothing like past years yield. The flowers, however, are prolific.
Regarding our country and it’s current “climate” – Whether we like it or not, the mobs chanting : send her back, send her back, send her back, are our fellow Americans. The current P0TUS is nothing more than a ringleader of hate. I never thought I’d see anything like this in America.
And if you’re still condoning this level of hatred, I have no use for what’s in your heart. I am so done with any defense of that assh0le. It’s an American Tragedy on several levels, some of it has nothing to do with politics. Hate and division destroys nations. Wake. the Fuck. Up.
– heartbroken
Once again hear hear!!!
The house is going up so fast. I wish my kids were next door.
If the flowers are doing well doesn’t that mean the veggies are getting the opposite and vice versa?
I note the flamingo is still afloat.
I’ve never been able to watch a horse race of any kind. I was aways terrified I would witness a horse stumble and then the consequence of that. I suppose from early childhood movie trauma?
I read a book a day so I get how many pizzas?
The flamingo (Philbert according to his owner) is still afloat – looking a little forlorn, but still swimming.
AND WOW! That’s a lot of books, two pizzas for you! I’ve read about 4 this summer so far, been so busy and fall asleep when I get into bed and start reading.
The house is coming along beautifully! I remember when our house was being built…30+ years ago. It was so exciting to see the daily progress! The outside went up quickly, it was the inside finishing work that takes longer.
I also cannot understand the people who support the current “occupant” of the White House. When I ask what has he done to benefit the country? Crickets. They make excuses for his behavior like “Oh, that happened a long time ago” or “maybe it was taken out of context” etc.
I have a brother, currently battling Stage 4 lung cancer, diagnosed 2 years ago. Never smoked a cigarette in his life. He has been on 2 different experimental drugs that worked for a while and than stopped. Cancer cells have returned to his lungs as well as his lymph nodes. On Friday, he starts chemo and I am beside myself. I have 4 brothers, Scott is the youngest (58) and the best guy ever. He is my favorite. He is gay and married to his partner of 20 years. He is unable to work and is on SSI. As sick as he feels at times, Scott fights the good fight on facebook and twitter against the “occupant”. Yes, he has been kicked off a few times for being passionate.
I try to get him to focus on himself, save his strength, and leave the fight to the rest of us… but he won’t listen. I am praying that Scott stays on Earth long enough to see the “occupant” gone…
I am praying your brother gets to see the Orange Scream leave the WH for good too. Also, that his new regimen of treatments are successful and he gets more comfortable time on this earth with those he loves.
I feel the same about horse and greyhound dog races.
K’s house is coming along beautifully. So happy for them, and y’all.
I love everything about this post. The flowers, the seaside cottage, the everything.
As for President Bonespurs – I watched the Mueller thing and hated how the dems thought this would be the thing that fixes all. I’m so angry that now this thorough and thoughtful man is now being cited as forgetful, slow, and halting. What a croc of orange tanner. I cannot remember what I wore yesterday and everyone expected Mueller to remember every page in that 440 plus doc? I read only 1/2 to 3/4 of it and he wasn’t the only author it would be good for them to remember. Oh don’t get me started. The dems better get their act together. And Kamala isn’t the answer imho. She has no bite – only rhetoric. The guy I am liking is Buttigieg. But honestly, I only want our Idiot in Chief out. I don’t care how.
Deb – I’m with you, exactly! I love mayer Pete, and I’m hoping he gets in. So done with the hateful rhetoric.
Do you like Elizabeth Warren as well? I do so much, but worry that she wouldn’t be able to withstand the Trump assaults. Does she have the thick skin needed? All that stuff whirling around her about her assertion of indigenous dna worries me as well. I believe she should deal with that once, explain in honest and vulnerable terms the whys and hows of it, then never address it again. I loved how Mueller, when asked a question he couldn’t or wouldn’t answer, simply would say, “I am not answering that question.” So great and to the point!
I like her but I don’t think she’ll get away from that DNA stuff, and sometimes she’s shrill. Also, all the assaults… ugh. Mueller – I am actually disappointed in that whole thing, his work certainly proved there was meddling and a lot of swamp muck was outed. I don’t think people really HEARD what the report said, which was some pretty damning stuff. It feels like Drump is the new Teflon Don. He seems to be able to get away with anything.