Hello Operator

      So.. you know those bar stools I was searching for to go with Stella’s new raised counter?  Anything I found that was “new” was either cheaply made and didn’t feel like it would stand the test of time or the price was ridiculous. ($400 each). 
      Yesterday the Mr. and I took a ride to a local favorite vintage finds place, the same place I found the rocking horse I revived. More on the rocking horse  HERE .  It’s called the Trove, and for good reason.  It’s full of old treasures and I  always find something to love.  Not only did I score a few pieces of vintage corning ware in excellent condition in the perfect shade for Stella…

.. but as soon as I walked into the second building in the rear, these two lovelies were standing at attention, just waiting for me.

   I could not contain my excitement – I’m sure the gasp was audible across the entire warehouse when I spied No 12 and No 16 right there inside the door.    These are genuine Western Union  Industrial Switchboard Operator Chairs that had been in use up until the 1940’s when they were replaced with a more modern design.  They’ve got obvious wear and will need some caning work and brushing up of their metal.  Now, because of that audible gasp, I don’t know for sure how much of a deal we got. The price tag said $475 for the pair – ugh. And the guy already knew I was smitten.  (This is where the husband rolls his eyes and wishes I had stayed outside).   He did what he always does to counter balance my obvious love for the object of my affection.

Way too much for it, look at the work needed. Nope, lets move on.

And with an audible sigh from me, we do.

     After scrounging around for a while longer in the rest of the warehouse, we have to pass No 12 and No 16 on the way out.  M walks right past them and I lean over the counter to the owner and say – Is that really the best you can do?  Ikea is the next stop.    He laughs and says – I can knock off $100.  I reel the Mr. back in and beg ask if he’ll reconsider for a lesser price. No 12 and No 16 are now in the garage waiting for a little restoration work by me and hopefully a reasonable caning refurbisher.

     Western Union is a financial services and communications company.  Until 2006, It was the best known US company in the business of exchanging telegrams.  According to Wikipedia, Western Union dominated the telegraph industry in the late 19th century, was the first communcations empire and set a pattern for American style communications businesses as they are known today.

     Imagine the history the women seated  in these chairs have witnessed.

     As we drove home with our new treasures in the back of the truck, M said – “Always feels good to me, using something made long ago, something that  stood the test of time, that can serve further purpose.”

     They really don’t make things like they used to.