He’s All That

  We don’t always see eye to eye, and sometimes our taste in things couldn’t be farther apart on the spectrum. One of us is a natural navigator, one of us can’t find his way out of a wet paper bag.  He’s super organized and I’m… well… not.   

  When it comes to being parents we’re both on the same wave length. I couldn’t have chosen a better father to our children and it’s one of the things I am most thankful for in life. 
~ Happy Father’s Day ~

15 thoughts on “He’s All That”

  1. Let me guess, are you the one directionally challenged? I CANNOT leave the house without my GPS. Serious.

    Lovely post and such great photos.

  2. I used to be organized and I'm just not sure why I'm not anymore. In fact, I was much more organized before the computer age. Weird, eh?


  3. I love your photos! I get such a great feeling visiting you 🙂 I'm drooling over your beach photo… love me some beach and sun!

    Seeing our dh's parent really well is a huge blessing!

  4. Sweet photos Karen! I've got the warm fuzzies now!! Enjoy Father's Day!! (I am the scattered one in my house…ESPECIALLY when I cook…not a pretty sight!)

  5. Well if this post doesn't make big M smile, I don't know what will. He IS all that (and so are you.)

    ♥ H-

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