Holy Heatwave, Batman

   I didn’t think , after the winter we’ve had….
.. that I’d be complaining about the heat.
But here I am….and it’s hotter than Hades.
My flowers are wilting.
The chickens seem to like the heat
and I make sure they’ve got cold clean water and cool lettuce from the garden to pick at.
They’re starting to look like real chickens!

Dear Hunter of Florida – this is Giselle below!
And up above, first chicken on the right is Gracie, your mom’s choice!

Remember my lofty ambitions regarding
pimping the chicken coop?
This is as far as I got.
My horse barn is taking shape!

 Where ever you call home, I hope you are staying cool or dry or not too wet and you’re getting enough rain but not too much and it’s warm but not Hades-like and you find yourself far out of the path of any tornadoes or floods or water spouts and there are no earthquakes anywhere on earth any time soon,  Amen.

23 thoughts on “Holy Heatwave, Batman”

  1. Well, the forecast says it will be 94 today, but it's already 95. I think all of us are feeling it right now…

    Giselle is so gorgeous!! All all she needs is a fancy red hat and some high heels!


  2. I haven't stopped by recently, but my the girls are getting BIG! You'll have fresh eggs before you know it!

  3. The south is cooking!! Whew…. the barn is hot. I have 3 isle ceiling fans, upper fans that blow down on the horses, frontal fans and those huge round fans at the entry doors. We need some rain. Once you get up there working, you just sort of forget about the heat though. Things are looking good at your place. Debi

  4. Awww, can't wait to show the girls to the girls. And, I think you did a good pimp job; lucky chicks!! 🙂

    Hot here too needless to say. The barn is going to be wonderful!!

  5. We went from a cool, wet spring to a hot, dry summer… welcome to Arkansas! I can't tell you how many years we go straight from heat to ac! Only thing to do is keep ice tea made and stay out of the noon day sun…

  6. Cold water and fresh lettuce is about all I am interested in now with all this heat. it is 96 here but it is supposed to cool off a bit…hopefully!


    P.S. Love your planter!

  7. It does seem hotter than usual…earlier this year! I hate to tell you this…I hope you've noticed already…but there's a gnome siting at your house AGAIN! heehee! Hugs! ♥

  8. oh if only the weather could be perfect like your prayer! we've been too hot this whole week too. i'm praying the A/C holds out and the electric co-op does too!

  9. Karen- Awww I love all your little chicks that are starting to look like real chickens…soon to be hens. And just think, you won't have all the drama that precedes our little darlings turning into one hot chick as she comes of age!

    It is hot here too! Hot enough to break all records for the last two days. However, THEY say that the weather will cool tomorrow. Of course, I remember what liars they were when THEY promised a mild winter! I'm waiting to see for myself! xo Diana

  10. Hotter than Hades here, too! We had a tiny sprinkle, yesterday. Not enough to cuss a cat. Haven't had much rain in months. I know it will come, hurricane season is here. I don't look forward to that kind of weather! A happy medium would be nice, but not likely.

  11. You got that right Karen! This weather is insane! We packed up and headed North this AM. Quite a bit cooler here…but the storms have been intense! Chickens looking good!

  12. our heatwave just broke and now it's 60 degrees out there…..but sheesh. do have to go to such extremes ?
    we had had 3 days of 94 plus degrees…..i really just want utopia. sunny with a few clouds and 75 everyday with a tiny breeze. is that too much to ask 🙂

  13. it is super hot here too…i feel guilty but i have been silently complaining about it already, 98* and so humid, ouch! all i can say is that i am so thankful for a/c!

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