
My cousin left for  Afg*anist*n  last night…
“back to the Sandbox”  as he would say.
Three children  and a woman who loves him
will anxiously await his safe return..
six months from now.
A friend’s daughter  is there already..
occasional messages on Facebook
let her know she’s OK
after the most recent bombing of their compound.
I can’t image the anquish.  
Things appear to be escalating…
and I’m still in disbelief…
ALL this..can be avoided.
it’s ALL created by human anger, greed, ignorance, self rightousness.
I could go on and on, but I won’t.
Instead I’ll pray for all the troops safe return,
for an end to the madness that some of the people of this world
are churning out…
and I’ll appreciate every minute I spend in the comforts of
HOME.   Because we don’t all have the luxury
and many are standing tall over there so that we do.

29 thoughts on “Home”

  1. Oh Karen, what a beautiful post. One of my sons went to Iraq. One incident he was helping with search and rescue, and a little girl that had been burned by a bomb was one of the people they took to be taken care of. She held my sons hand and wouldn't let go, so he stayed with her. He stayed with her until she died. Our sons, daughters, friends see so much that we do not. I appreciated your photos. Something about the innocence of the animals brings a sense of home, safety, love. Beautiful!

  2. Beautiful images and wise words. If we could all just learn to get along the world would be a much better place. I hope each and every soldier will stay safe and return home soon!


  3. Breaks my heart and angers me at the same time. Will it ever end? Politics have to be discussed, even though it's not considered correct, because it's politics that run this whole shebang. All the wonderful pictures just illustrate beautifully the many blessings we call America. Wonderful post Karen, as always…

  4. The world offers beauty in so many flavours at home and abroad. While mankind continues to wreak havoc against one another and nature.

    Love your photo-series!

  5. I will pray that you cousin returns safely to the family left behind. It's so true, this world is falling apart bit by bit. Very frightening to me for all the innocent who live as best they can, hoping for a better future.

    Love your photo's. I don't think I told you that Hunter got a horse for her birthday; I'll send a pic when I get one. His name is Zipper, and she is one happy little girl. 🙂

  6. A. I hope for your cousins safe return. Your photos are.lovely as usual. I totally agree were losing our soldiers almost everyday for nothing. There some people in the world that are going to fight even when were gone. Have a great day

  7. Your words, thoughts and photos are all very poignant today. Wishing your relatives ALL a safe return.

    War is just meaningless and sad.

  8. Karen- What a great post. I just was watching our local news and there are about 40 local troops coming home this next week and I thought that I would go to the airport and welcome them home-even though I don't know a soul that is there right now.

    My nephew, has life altering injuries that he received over there 6 years ago. I get it! xo Diana

  9. Prayers for your cousin and his family on the way. Having just gone through a 7 month ordeal with son in law in Afghanistan, I know the worry that is involved. "Safe Home." An Irish saying wishing him safety until he arrives home again.

  10. Our young neighbor had to go there and leave his wife and baby. It breaks my heart to see her every day over there, without her husband.

    I think about him every day and in the interim, my hubs shovels their walks and driveway and mows the lawn.

    A small thing, but it really makes him feel good!

    Lovely post today!

  11. LOVE, LOVE. LOVE your photos, especially the close up of the eye of the horse. There was a picture in the lobby of our hotel in San Antonio very similar to your picture—I wanted to take it home with me but it wasn't for sale!!!
    I aam not a blogger but always enjoy your blog. Prayers for the safety of your cousin.

  12. It's an awful feeling. One of my good friends three sons were all there at the same time (in different areas) and it was torture. One didn't "re-up", one is now in Special Forces so you never know where he is, and the third just "re-upped" again. As proud as I was to see those three stars hanging in her window it broke my heart too – it's all so unavoidable.

    Sending prayers to your cousin and his family!

    Your photos are beautiful! Have a wonderful weekend!


  13. I agree with your sentiments. I'm a pacifist, and while I support the folks who are doing their duty as their occupation, I cannot support the act of war itself.

    Love the pic of your mini! And your new header. You make me want to go out for a ride. I should – I just had the horses' feet trimmed last week!

  14. Wishing your cousin safety and a happy return home soon.

    We have so much to be thankful for in America — and thanks to men and women like your cousin for their service.

  15. You are so right. If, in just one moment, everyone in the world could want joy, happiness, peace and good will – there would be no more war. All we can do at this point is pray about it. I believe we are all inherently good and can reach down deep inside and find that good. Your pictures are awesome.

  16. Our newest son-in-law is in Afghanistan right now. He's a contract firefighter, so he volunteered to be there, but it's no less dangerous and worrisome.

    As an Army Brat, the senseless loss of life makes me sick. That's all I'll say, because I'm gonna get really angry if I keep on.

    Hug a soldier whenever you see one.

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