
  Wherever you hang your hat, whether it’s a condo, apartment, house or tiki hut… it’s a space you call your own. When you’ve had a bad day or you’re feeling less than stellar, where would you most like to be?  Probably curled up on the couch or in your favorite reading chair or under the covers in your bed… in your sanctuary.. your home.

   So can you imagine what it’s like if at the worst time in your life, when the chips are down and you’re most alone, there is no home.  No sanctuary, no place to hang that hat…. if you own one.

 Tonight I tagged along with my new neighbor, Carol, and her church group. On the last Tuesday evening of every month they come together at the Congregational Church kitchen and make a delicious hot meal using old family recipes. The food is then loaded into cars and taken to a nearby homeless shelter, where they serve approximately 40 people.

   I wanted to take them all home, especially the older gentleman who looked to be around 80 and in poor health. He was so grateful for that meal and a pleasure to talk to..and I thought  how does it come to this… why isn’t there a better solution for this man.?    There were also young men and women, all of whom look haunted. I don’t know their stories, but their pain is clear. And so is their need… our need… to take better care of those who have not been so blessed.

   Thankfully there are people like those I met tonight in the church kitchen.  I plan to join them on their next Midnight Run, a drive to the New Haven green and occasionally NYC to deliver blankets, food and toiletries to the homeless.   As I sit here typing out this post with all I need a stone’s throw away I realize it’s the least I can do, and I hope I remember to appreciate all that is good.  Every. Single. Day.

9 thoughts on “Home”

  1. The church my dad attended used to do a couple of food deliveries a year. I tagged along with him and you are right… it is haunting. I don't think I've ever missed a meal in my life unless it was just due to being too busy to eat. Food and warmth are two necessities in every life. Thanks for tagging along with your friends!


  2. Amazing story Karen…it does make us appreciate our own lives so much more.

    Thank you for your kind words regarding Zippo. I sincerely appreciate your support.

  3. Once a week.
    Two croissants and two cups of coffee to go. One for me and one for the elderly man who sits outside the market. The act of giving and asking nothing in return, is a gift itself.

  4. I came over from Brenda's blog. What an important post – we need to help others less fortunate. I don't know about you, but I always feel like it could be me in a heartbeat.


  5. I'm so thankful there are good people in the world who try to take care of others less fortunate, and yes there are SO many.

    Thank you for this reminder, Karen.

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