How cold IS it?…..

It’s SOO Cold… 
I’m willing to be caught alive wearing this Owl hat because
it’s the warmest thing in our glove and hat basket
and I will not tolerate another ear-stinging thaw session
just because I want to look cool.
No, I’m over that
I know, I know… you just wish you had one now, don’t you. 

It’s SOO Cold…
The water buckets freeze every few hours at the barn.
Ask me how much I love my horses right now,
especially as I’m banging and clanging those buckets to get the ice out.
OH yes, I know there are bucket heaters on the market.
MY special snowflake of a horse doesn’t like to drink from anything -heated-. 
It’s SOO Cold…
 the boyz wait for me at the bottom of the hill at 4pm.. staring at the mud room door
that I appear from because DANG it’s cold out here and they want IN.
It’s SOO Cold…they are also wearing two blankets..
and have little snowballs on their fetlock fur
It’s true, New England sees a typical winter..
but temps this low for these long stretches of time is not typical.
There is no doubt in my mind that the weather patterns are changing 
on this little planet we inhabit.
I want to thank you all for your thoughts, your ideas, your encouragement
and truthful responses regarding yesterdays post.  Clearly, I have a lot to think about
and hearing your views was so helpful and reaffirming for my vision and my concerns.
To Arlene:.. I couldn’t respond to your comment because your e-mail is blocked,
 but I didn’t know about the Trove in Saybrook!
 I shall definitely visit, as it sounds like an awesome place!  
Thanks for the tip.
To all my friends experiencing the same chill…
stay warm!   To those who live in warmer climes…
yeah, I just have nothing to say to you.  