How does she sleep at night?

   I’ve been a fan of true crime authors, true crime documentaries and movies since I was a young teen.  Between that and Vampires, you’d think I might be a pretty dark personality, but I hope you already know that not to be true.     My husband often questions my choice of reading material.  “How can you read that crap? It’s  morbid! THAT is why you’re a nervous wreck“.  The reason is simple.. the process of solving these crimes is fascinating, as is the psychotic mentality of the people who commit them.  I’m not alone in this, it’s why the nation was riveted when OJ or whoever killed Nicole and Ron.  You know who I’m talking about, don’t ya.

 Right now we’re bombarded with the Jodi Ar*as trial.  If you’ve been living under a rock you might not be familiar with the case of the on again off again girlfriend of Travis Al*xander, who not only shot him in the head,  she slashed his throat, almost decapitating him, and stabbed him another 27 or so times.  Her story has changed atleast twice.  (1. I wasn’t there!   2.  There were masked intruders!   3. I did it out of self defense!)       Self defense? … he was naked in the shower and she was taking nude pictures of him, minutes, maybe even seconds  before she killed him.     Jodi tries to throw everyone around her under the bus during the trial… Travis was a pedophile, he was abusive…. there is no evidence in his entire life or computer history to hold this up.  There is much hard evidence to prove otherwise between the defendant and her victim.  Texts, e-mails, photos, accounts by others in their presence. There were never indications of abuse. There WERE indications of her obsession with him.        My parents abused me since I was 7 years old… my mother kept a wooden spoon in her purse!    Good Lord, girl, are you serious??…   There is also no evidence to support those accusations, but getting hit with a wooden spoon would not compel most people to murder in such a violent way.      She blames the Prosecutor in this case for her memory loss issues when it pertains to crucial moments of the killing.  She remembers shooting Travis, but nothing about the stabbing.         It’s because  you  keep badgering me (speaking to the prosecutor when he asked her if she knew when her memory lapses were going to occur) , thats when I have  memory issues… when men badger me, like you and Travis.       Ok then.

Watching her on the stand is nauseating… there is a smugness, there is a feigned helplessness, a -poor me- performance that I have a hard time witnessing.  There are too many  “I don’t remember’s…

What I hope… what I truly hope is this…. this will not be another Casey Anthony story.  Please, no.

Who’s the real Jodi?  We’ll never know for sure…clearly, she’s not telling.


14 thoughts on “How does she sleep at night?”

  1. I guess I'm living under a rock because I only tuned into this Friday. And I was HORRIFIED. That neck thing? Who DOES THAT?????

  2. I've have been following this case, too, Karen, but haven't seen anything on TV. I think I would throw up if I saw her talking. There is no way she is going to walk away from this…just not possible. She can save her stories for her cellmates.


  3. I've seen her and heard her singing "O Holy Night"–she's a true sociopath and weird! I don't think her "helpless me" act is going to work for her! It kind of reminds me of that Michael Douglas movie–ah, I can't remember the name of it! That kind of crazy.

  4. I have been under a rock but i am going to look this up sounds pretty weird .lets hope she dosnt get away with it because of her looks-too sweet to do something like that.Murderers arnt suppose to look like the girl next door but then again what do they look like-love dee x

  5. I knew of the case but was not following it ( unlike the OJ trial where I tuned in every day)but as I flew back to work the other day I was on a plane that had TV in each seat, and I was channel surfing and came upon her on the witness stand. Well, I was bummed when our plane landed, I wanted to ask the pilot to just fly around for another hour or so, so I could watch more. Crazy case.

  6. Crazy case indeed!! I love to read true crime!! I have read just about all of the recent ones. Especially all the C*sey A*thony books. I think those types of books make a very interesting read!! Believe it or not, I have been so wrapped in a bunch of other stuff that I didn't know about this particular case until my husband brought it to my attention…as he knows my preference for reading!! Checked it out and I was SHOCKED! Yeah…who DOES crap like that???

  7. I have seen a few blurbs about this case on CNN, but I don't read them because I am just not wanting to read negativity in the news right now. Sometimes it's all just too over-whelming.

  8. Sad to say, this case fascinates and appalls me in equal measures! Here's hoping she gets a long sentence (I'm opposed to the death penalty – if killing is wrong, then it's wrong for the state too)but I'd love for her to NEVER be on the street again!

  9. Oh my, I'm not the only one reading these books?…My hubby thinks I'm a freak sometimes when we leave the bookstore..he makes me checkout on my

    This chick is guilty as all out!
    I also hope its not another Casey Anthony turn out. Lets hope and pray this family gets some justice for their loss.

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