How to be a really awesome totally cool Mom…

  You didn’t really think I’d have the answer, now, did ya?   

 I can tell you what NOT to do…..

Me:  … (walking over to picnic table full of soccer boys with two pizzas and two liters of soda)

Him:   Thanks mom!…. (and all start devouring said pizza & soda)

Me:  Can I have a sip of your coke please?…

Him:   Um No.

Me:  Are you kidding?  Just a sip!

Him:  NO mom.   I don’t want your germs!….get your own.

Me:  There are no more cups, can I just have a sip??…..

 ( I’m thinking, I  just drove 200 miles to and from a soccer game on a freezing  cold afternoon, catered to their care and comfort  and stopped at pizza place so they could  refuel.  The least I can expect is a sip of soda, right? Too much to ask???)

Him:   Uh-uh.

Me:  You do know that THIS body made the body YOU LIVE IN, right?  YOU CAME FROM ME.  SO… my germs are your germs, kid.  Give me a  freak’n sip.

Yeah… so… don’t ever remind them of that if you want to be considered a really awesome totally cool Mom.  Especially when they are sitting at the table eating pizza with six other 11 year olds. 

Really… don’t.  
Happy Mothers Day, all….

20 thoughts on “How to be a really awesome totally cool Mom…”

  1. When I was a kid, children were to seen and not heard.

    When I became a mom, parents were to be seen and not heard. 🙂

    Happy Mother's Day, Karen!

  2. I agree with Diana, rotten little stinkers from about 11-23…just hold on, there's a good kid in there! Happy Mom's Day, treat yourself to a Coke…

  3. I am amazed at the different ways that I can embarass my children without even trying. It really intrigues me. Very funny story. Happy Mother's Day! Joni

  4. Okay, this was REALLY funny!

    I used to use the old "52 hours of labor" on my son to get him to do anything I wanted. That worked into his early 30s, he turned 40 earlier this year and I still haven't found anything that was as effective as that line.

    Happy Totally Awesome Cool Mother's Day!!!!

  5. You're a lot nicer than I; I'd tell him every chance I got AND in front of every friend he had.
    Happy Mom's Day and give the lil stinker a head slap for me.

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