Hunter Gatherers…..

….. that’s our beginning. We all originate from ancestors that hunted and gathered for their food.  Before supermarkets and restaurants and fast food joints, we had to spear fish and  kill animals for meat, gather seeds and berries.  We drank untainted waters and truly organic juices. As time progressed, we raised livestock and harvested produce from gardens.   It meant actually working physically to get our food, and we relied on skill and cunning, strong bodies and mind.  We were naturally fit. You can bet your booty there was no obesity or the plethora of diseases that come with it.
   By now you’ve probably heard of the Paleo diet…highly recommended by most physicians.  No grains, no dairy… lots of protein, veggies, some fruit, seeds, nuts.  It’s the diet of our ancestors without the physical toil, so we still need to throw in some exercise. I’ve heard friends talk about it, my husband’s chiropractor swears by it, and I have yet to hear a negative, although it’s not easy to live by, truth be told.   I already know that when I don’t consume wheat and dairy products, I feel a heck of a lot better and the extra pounds melt away.  No joint pain, fewer headaches, less stomach issues, less allergy congestion, less muscle fatigue.  I am not totally gluten free, because sometimes at the end of the day on a drive home after a long hike up a hill, that pizza joint is just calling my name and I don’t resist that scrumptious crust and oozy salty cheese.
   The particular hike I’m referring to here is one my husband and I took at Kent Falls on the other side of our State just a few days ago.  We were both shocked at how tired we got as we pushed up the stairs to get to the top.    “Jeez, are we THAT OLD already??”…..   the answer is no… we’re that out of shape and overweight. 
   We were disgusted enough to make a decision to help each other obtain our goal of better fitness once and for all.  (read that as – smack each other upside the head every time we see a junk consumption event in progress).   We’re going to attempt to conform mostly to the Paleo concept of eating… and I say mostly because I’m being realistic, too.  Oatmeal is a grain, but I believe it’s good for you judging by the reported health benefits and we’ll be eating butter too… apparently grass fed is OK.. Kerrygold is a grass fed butter and I found another organic pasture butter at the food store.  We’re also getting rid of Canola and Vegetable oil and we’re switching to Coconut oil and the Olive oil we’ve always used.  I’ve bought a family friendly Paleo cookbook and the recipes are indeed family friendly.. that’s refreshing.

Some links I’ve found useful
Read THIS article…. I’m never using Canola Oil again..
Did you even know what Canola actually is?
It actually.. isn’t.
The Paleo family cookbook I find user friendly
 A great paleo blog and website my friend Lynn recommended… and a recipe too

She’s coming out with a cookbook as well…
Two more sites worth a look… (thanks Elisa!)
I shopped at a health food store for items I didn’t have in the house to get us started.  I paid way too much for coconut oil …almost twice what I would have paid had I ordered online, which is what my friends who are already doing this have recommended.  Almond flour is also crazy expensive at the store. 
Good buying resources online..
(thanks again Lynn!)
One more thing I think is really important to discuss when we’re talking about the desire to make changes for the better in our every day health and wellness.  Most of us are gonna fall off the wagon now and again.  Don’t beat yourself up, we’re only human after all.  Don’t give up the ship just because there was a temporary leak in the bow.   Shit happens.. move forward.
Every step in the right direction is worth the effort.
If you have experience with this diet or want to share your healthy eating  habits and stories,
please do so in the comments section below.
So.. here we go Paleo!