
 I’m posting for a second time today… only because I am absolutely flabbergasted at what I saw just a little while ago when I stepped on the scale today.   HOLY FLYING HORSES, the number was just disgusting.   And right here on this blog I’ve been blabbing on about eating healthier, making dietary changes.. the walking.. the yoga….blah blah blah blah.  

 WELL.. it’s time to WALK THE WALK.. all the way.  Two of you commented on the LOSE IT! app… it’s free and it’s fun, says you.   I said.. heck, let me try it, even though I don’t have all that much to lose… HA!!!!… no, more like a hysterical HA!!!!!!!!!   ….and maybe a  holy sh*t how did I gain that much?! (we’re not talking 10 lbs.)    So I feel like i have to come clean here.

  It doesn’t really do the trick to just eat pretty good and work out some.  You have to work out consistently and control those freak’n portions!! Too much of a good thing is REALLY TOO MUCH.  I hear Joey’s “I told you so” right now. Just hush.

 Do I sound hyper-maniacal?   I feel it after stepping on that cursed scale.  Hopefully.. the LOSE IT! app will help me get back on track.  Meanwhile, I’m cooking for the crew tonight.. but I’m not eating anything more than air laced with water droplets, the mist off the soup pot, the dew sliding of the mint tea leaf.


28 thoughts on “Hypocrite”

  1. I experienced the same thing Karen. It really was not what I was eating but HOW much I was eating. Even healthy food can put weight on if your workouts are not consistent. That's what happened to me. So I do something everyday, whether it's yoga, kickboxing, running, weights, you name it, and I only eat a cup or less of each food at each meal, like a cup of soup, with a serving of salad and veggies. I hate it because I love to eat but I've packed on the pound this past year.
    Keep up the good work though, you'll get back on track.


  2. I experienced the same thing Karen. It really was not what I was eating but HOW much I was eating. Even healthy food can put weight on if your workouts are not consistent. That's what happened to me. So I do something everyday, whether it's yoga, kickboxing, running, weights, you name it, and I only eat a cup or less of each food at each meal, like a cup of soup, with a serving of salad and veggies. I hate it because I love to eat but I've packed on the pound this past year.
    Keep up the good work though, you'll get back on track.


  3. I experienced the same thing Karen. It really was not what I was eating but HOW much I was eating. Even healthy food can put weight on if your workouts are not consistent. That's what happened to me. So I do something everyday, whether it's yoga, kickboxing, running, weights, you name it, and I only eat a cup or less of each food at each meal, like a cup of soup, with a serving of salad and veggies. I hate it because I love to eat but I've packed on the pound this past year.
    Keep up the good work though, you'll get back on track.


  4. now don't be beating yourself up OR starving yourself! we all do this up and down thing.

    eat something filling and fiberish. make yourself feel better tonight. try exercising again tomorrow. it'll get better.

    i've been nursing shin splints since thanksgiving. they've really put me off my running routing (which is what made me shape up and lose weight). i feel sludgey and wounded and i hate it. but i'm determined…

  5. I'll just smirk – I mean smile…

    PS – I hate to burst your bubble? But you like those smoothies because they are filled with sugar. You may not believe me but add it up. You really can't eat more than 10 grams of sugar – including FRUIT sugar and HONEY sugar – ALL SUGAR – and get your body to stop storing fat and start burning fat. Every grain carb you eat turns to sugar also. That's why Atkins works. No grain/sugar. If you UP your fats and cut your grains/carbs and SUGAR, your body will start to become a fat burner. Just sayin'…

  6. Well.

    I doubt it's as bad as all that. When I need to lose, it's low carb for me. It works, you can still have salads and most all veggies; I like mine steamed.

    Which reminds, I've gained a few also, so I needed this post. Listen to Joey!


  7. PS: You're not bigger than a popcorn fart, so that one, or two pounds isn't going to make a huge difference, except in your mind. Even 10 wouldn't. Ms. Skinnybritches!

  8. Well, I agree with Joey…..but then I also agree with Mrs A.

    Easy, girl…….it's somewhat normal to put on some pounds in the winter, we were actually made to do that……..and sometimes we just need a reminder, and a little restructuring, to get back on track.
    You're beautiful just the way you are.

  9. I totally identify with you on this! Thank goodness pounds from last year haven't multiplied … nor have they gone away, either. I only step on the scale when I'm at my parents' house, because we don't own one. I've never been a numbers sort of girl, but the fluffy stuff around my middle is getting on my nerves.

  10. it's winter….that's what happens 🙁

    but i have found that i feel better when i don't eat everything i put on my plate….i know it sounds wasteful, but it works.

    and i'm back to walking, rowing and doing my weights and sit-ups…..not happily, but because i have to.

    i wish you LOTS of luck….but hey, if nothing happens until it's warm out again….that's okay 🙂


  11. I know you've heard this before but in the winter months we are less active and need a little extra fat to protect us from the colder temps. However, I'm with you, Karen…when I see my clothes getting snug, I KNOW what has to be done! It's just that we all overindulge sometimes…:)JP

  12. I hate the scale!! I only use it when I KNOW I am losing weight and then I feel positive. I believe in small portions, low carbs and keeping active, which I know you are with all the work you do around your farm. This is what I believe in but don't always follow or I wouldn't be overweight. Just don't obsess over it, it gets you nowhere.


  13. I lost 18 pounds last year and have put 10 back on sinc November. I have been eating everything I can get my mouth on. Time to stop! Winter does this to me and I feel soooo fat!.

  14. Sure is a shock when the scale slaps us in the face with numbers we don't want to see.
    Grab hold of yourself.. don't panic.. breathe and get yourself together. At least you got weighed now and the numbers won't go any higher 🙂
    Oh, and what were you thinking getting on the scale MID-DAY… you should only step on it first thing in the morning without anything on.. not even socks ..lol

  15. LOL,LOL. Sounds like a melt down is imminent.
    Hey, blame it on the Holidays.
    And I can hear Joey too. ( I'M KIDDING!!)

    Take a deep breath. I did have a laugh though, thanks.

  16. Joey – you're singing my song.

    Not that I'm perfect at this, but eating grain-free and all fresh foods and lots of veggies and under 50 carbs a day is the best way to burn fat fat fat.

    And add in good fat to your diet. Butter, coconut oil, olive oil.

    And watch the calories a bit.

    It works lovely. And you'll look even more lovely.

    I bet it's not as bad as you thought. It will come off lickity split. You're naturally very active.

  17. I've gained more than a few and I know it is due to my addiction to sweets. When I cut back on them, I lose weight. Hang in there –


  18. My secret weapon . . FitBit (check out FitBit.com) I'm not saying that it will make you lose weight, YOU have to do the work, but I have found that it is a tool that has worked for me. it made me accountable for how much or how little I moved, how much I was consuming vs.how much I was burning. Those were the two key points for me. I found that I was more successful in paying more attention to how many calories I was BURNING, then basing my CONSUMPTION on that. Move more = eat more! Yes, it's a pain in the @$$ to track your food, calories etc but you have to KNOW what your consuming. I only did this for about 2-3 months, but now I pretty much how much is too much based on how I eat. BTW, My main exercise is walking, about 7-8 miles a day, not all at once, just over the course of the day, it's doable. I started with a goal of 10,000 steps a day, when I finally reached that and it got easier to achieve, I increased my goal in increments of 1000 steps a day. I'm now up to about 15,000. I'm down 20 pounds in 7 months and no depriving diet, just awareness and accountability. Works for me!

    BTW, love your blog. Keep up the good work!

  19. Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure everyone has advice on losing weight, but none of it means anything. Winter will pass and when spring and summer get here and there are lots of veges and fruits and lean meats, and fish, and outside more, it will melt off.

  20. You know that I lost weight a few years ago and have kept it off. One of the ways I do it….I weigh every single day. Then I know when a pound or 2 sneaks up on me and I can make an adjustment. I don't want to give up eating my favorite foods but I have to eat less…move more. Weigh every single day and write it down for awhile. It really does help you stay focused. Sweet hugs!

  21. I stepped on the scales after reading this blog this morning. I have gained 5lbs over the holiday period need to get rid of that little lot.

  22. You cracked me up with your air laced water droplet comment! Ha! Girl – you call me if you ever want to talk, ok? I'm going on two years now since I changed things and I'm holding steady. 120lbs gone baby. Eating pretty good and working out some sure ain't the answer. ANYTHING I can do to help – give me a shout.

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