I am, I think, I know….

I am: ..still searching for that perfect job that combines my love for helping animals and people, includes an outlet for my creative abilities and brings me enough income so that I can  help more animals and people and form more outlets for my creative abilities.

I think:  …about those heart shaped  peppermint patties that are sitting on the counter way too often.
I know: … I’ve still got so much to learn about life, but baby, I’ve come a long way….
I want:   Peace on earth. Everywhere.  In every. single. corner.  
I have:  ..what I need, and it feels so good to finally realize it.
I dislike:   Mean people, they suck.
I miss:  playing in a band, and hearing all the nuances of music… hearing loss has robbed most of it from me. 

I fear:  The list is too long….

I feel:  A little disgust that I have allowed myself to gain some weight this winter, and it doesn’t feel good.
I hear:  …bells, whistles and crickets 24-7.    Hearing loss is a handicap my family and I live with on a daily basis.
I smell:  the winter candy apple lotion I applied this morning….
I crave:  a fresh almond butter croissant, gluten -free diet be damned.

I search:  constantly.. for the next chapter.
I wonder:  if our political climate in the US will ever straigten up and fly right.
I regret:  not having pursued a better education when I was younger and not hearing impaired.
I love:  My children, my husband, my animals, my life.  Is it perfect?  No… but I love it all.. and that’s  all I need to know.
I care:  I do… and most who I come into contact with know it.
I am always:  Right!!   Ha ha.. just kidding.  most of the time.
I worry:  about everything!!  WAY too much!  It’s my biggest problem… the worry.
I remember:  The horrible pain, the belief that meaningful life was over, when my first serious boyfriend and I broke up.
I sing:  Yes I do!.. in the car, in the shower… but you’re glad never in your presence, it’s a gift from me to you, believe me.
I argue:  More than I should.

I write: … it’s therapeutic.
I lose: …when I argue too much.
I wish: … for peace, good health, and a long life of happiness for my family and  all of us on this planet.
I listen:  … but I don’t always hear.  In more ways than one.
I don’t understand:  Why the people of this planet can’t learn to live together and apart, with respect for each other’s different ways of life, different beliefs and without wanting to do harm. 
I can usually be found:  At the barn, at the computer, at the kitchen sink, huddled over laundry, walking the beach or country roads with the dog(s).
I am scared:  aren’t we all.  It’s something we all have in common.
I need:  …one of those peppermint patties on the counter that I really just bought for the kids.  Really.
I forget:  More than I used to, thank you very much perimenopause.
I am happy:   Just that.

If you’re so inclined.. please copy and paste, fill in your own blanks…and let me know if you do , I’d love to read it.

24 thoughts on “I am, I think, I know….”

  1. Indulge in one of those peppermint patties… you only live once! (and you are thinking about them enough to mention them twice)

  2. Love this although I don't like that you worry and are fearful. I do guess it's natural, but I've learned that the things I worry about the most are usually the things I should have known would work themselves out and my worrying wouldn't have affected the outcome.

    Yes, we all have fears but I believe as I have gotten older, the most fear I might have is the phone ringing at ll:00 p.m. or someone at the door with bad news. I cannot change this, but perhaps I can try.

    Love to you. Karen, I don't know what caused your hearing loss, yet you always seem to be upbeat, smart,funny and sweet.


  3. Karen-I absolutely love this. My hubby has no hearing in one ear as a result of a brain tumor/surgery so it is a different world. He also has tinnitus in the other ear that comes and goes so I do sympathize with you. I will do this copy and paste one day myself. xo Diana

  4. I just ate a chunk/big fat slice of frozen peppermint cookie dough. Damn diet is right! Calories be gone you horrible little creatures that occupy my brain far too often.

    If I were your neighbor I would learn sign language so I could argue with you whenever you want to. 🙂

  5. Ok k get up from the chair and go get one of those peppermints off the counter ok one not going to hurt anything 🙂 love your answers I think I'll do this later

  6. I knew this would be good- and you didn't disappoint! I'm always impressed with how much more you can learn about someone through something like this. Thanks for your witty and thoughtful responses!

  7. Karen great list, thanks for sharing. My mother once told me, "guilt is the gift that keeps on giving." I'd switch the word 'guilt' with 'worry' and I think the same truth applies.


  8. Interesting way to share, who ever reads this learns a lot, and the fact that you love peppermint candy. Go have one for heavens sake.

  9. You really shared alot of things about yourself here and I feel I know you better for it.

    Did you have one of those Peppermint Patties yet? 🙂

  10. I loved reading this Karen! I too am such a worrier! Trying not to be as much these days… a work in progress! Thank you for sharing , now please go and have a peppermint patty!

  11. As I read this, I realize that I am really sorry that you and I aren't neighbors. We would get along SO well. (You'd have to move to Va, because your Ct winters would kill me.)

    Karen, have you had your hearing checked to see if there is something that can be done? I ask because I am in exactly your situation, with what I am sure is significant hearing loss on my left, and some loss on the right. I have the name of a good ENT Dr. who helped a friend of mine, and I am going to pull on my Big Girl Pants and see if he can help. It's hard to hear everyone mumbling over the ringing in my head. I'm to the point that I will deal with hearing aids, if that's the solution.

  12. Copied this – I think this will make a good "reality checklist" every January.

    Thank you.

    I start working on my list today.

  13. I was thinking of you as I lay in bed this morning…LOL..nooooo not like that. My right hear started in with this really high pitched sound. It was awful. Thankfully it only lasted about 20 seconds but felt longer. I wondered to myself how you can stand it all the time. You'd think "they" could do something about this…

  14. I could have written this…except for the tinnitus and hearing loss which is very hard on all, I know. Oh yeah and no peppermint candies on the counter! And if there had been there wouldn't be now. Menopause? Been there, done that. I might have to copy this for my blog! Hugs!

  15. Oh I love this! And girl – I can barely hear myself think many times (like now) – the ringing is so loud in my ears. I gave up worry on Dec. 2, 2010. I've never looked back. It was minute by minute daily work then, now just an occasional tune up. You CAN train yourself not to worry.

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