I believe

       I’d like to thank each of you who drops by this little blog space, some of you have been visiting with me here for more than seven years!.. and we’ve become good friends.  While this blog’s traffic isn’t as big as it used to be, I still find the writing and sharing a rewarding experience.  I also love to read about your families and traditions, your pets, your recipes, your tips and tricks and your way of life in another part of the world we live in.  
     Who knows.. someday when I’m gone, my children and grandchildren and maybe even greats might  look over this blog to find some of my recipes or my thoughts on a subject or to reminisce about the homes we’ve lived in, the animals we’ve loved, stories of their own adventures too. 
       I love this time of year.  Even though the chores on a small farm are greater due to the weather issues, life does slow down a little in a good way, especially at night.  At This Old House we tend to hunker down in the man cave or the family room with  a seasoned wood fire crackling in the fireplace.   We settle in for meals together at the table and  are sometimes joined by the kids and their significant others.  There’s just more of that togetherness and less -out and about-.  
     Now that the kids have places of their own, more often than not it’s just the guy and I, and the dogs.  I miss the noise of a family all living under one roof, but the quiet has it’s blessings too, and so I focus on those and look forward to the ruckus when the kids do visit.  We are so very lucky that both of our children live near home. 
    Speaking of ruckus, our newest canine member of the family, Miss Sally – has been with us now for about six months.  We absolutely adore her and she absolutely adores her bones.  Sally is a crazy mix, a real Heinz 57.  The best guess is Corgi, Basset, Dachshund, Tennesee Treeing Hound.  All that rolled into one makes for a pretty odd looking dog –  notice the shape of her little front legs – very stocky legs, but also very deformed.  The vet assures us she’s not in pain and she gets around just fine – runs right along side the big dogs without a care in the world.   I hope that will always be true.  
      Our Family room – Christmas is coming, how I love this holiday – baking and cooking and wrapping and giving, some of my favorite things to do for others.  I love traditions that bring families together, things that remind us it’s not all about “those crazy men in Washington “-  Do you know that is an actual Santa line from the original Miracle on 34th Street movie?  Some things never change! 
     My wish for all – Whatever your struggles, I hope you find resolutions,  peace in your heart and mind. May we all experience better health and prosperity in all it’s forms,  may there be more good will and less anger among us all.