I could get lost

..in an antique shop for hours. I ‘m not talking about the kind you find in the wealthier sections of New England where “that bench over there is from the Ming Dynasty so don’t let your kid sit on it, M’am, or it’s yours for $25,000.”     I’m talking the mom and pop shops,  the guy who loves old stuff and just keeps collecting, the garage full of family hand-me-downs, or that funky red house with the white trim down the road owned by the woman who’s fifty-seven but trying to look twenty-seven and I’ll be damned if she isn’t actually pulling it off sort of!   Well, her sign read “Open” the other day and so I wandered in.  Oh, what treasures to behold!  And alot of crap too.    I found a few pieces for this old house.
 The plates will hang over the sink on a part of the wall that looks too plain and NEEDS something…  It needs a chicken or two also… but I haven’t figured that out yet.
I actually walked away from this silver huricane lamp the first time I visited the little red house. But I kept thinking about it, and you know how that goes…    so I’m going to have the wiring gutted because it’s a very old piece and I don’t trust that the wires won’t burn the house down when I plug it in.

I love the little details in this lamp…
 THIS little conglomerate of junk  stuff… is my next project for the kitchen… a chalkboard in an old frame with a sawed-in-half teacup glued to the board to hold chalk.  The old frame has just the right distressed vintage look. Anyone have a tile saw I could borrow? 
  I’ll let you know how it turns out.

11 thoughts on “I could get lost”

  1. Karen, that's a great collection of junk. I love those kind of shops as well… none of the expensive over priced collectibles for this girl. Can't wait to see how it all comes together for you.


  2. Junk hunting is such a great way to pass time! There's always at least one thing that you can't possibly live without … after it's stripped/painted/repaired/rewired/and reassembled, of course. I love the tea cup chalk holder idea.

  3. I just wish I still had room to bring in stuff. No fun to look when you can't bring it home. Makes it pointless and causes undue torture.

  4. Looks like a good find Karen! My husband has informed me that I am supposed to be getting RID of stuff rather than acquiring MORE stuff!! As much as I'd love to sell the house and move into the RV full time for six months and live at the cottage for six months…what on earth would I do with all my STUFF??? Haven't figured THAT out yet!! The one problem I have at those "little red houses" is trying to breathe…many times they are filled with mildew like smells…

  5. Hi, noticed your comment to Allhorsestuff's blog and decided to pay you a visit as a fellow horse lover 😉
    Your house is just gorgeous. I'm limegreen with envy now. And your idea of the cup holding the chalks is great. Hope it works out.

  6. Your creativity is running so high and it is most inspiring… I love it when the creative juices flow. I think you have a true knack for picking the treasure from the trash and elevating it with your sense of style. I look forward to seeing what becomes of your latest finds!

  7. Oh duh, good grief, I really should READ before I comment. No skimming allowed.

    the blackboard paint? That is a cool idea. I like the teacup being part of it.

  8. EXCELLENT…I can see it now! I love your old stuff…living in an older home on the city's register, I live/create with treasure too!

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