I found a Treasure at the Trove

    Before I reveal my awesome find, a shout out to one of my readers who sells pieces at The Trove in Old Saybrook (you know who you are – don’t want to reveal your name if you prefer privacy)  Is that your toy stuffed horse on wheels I almost bought? (black, very worn and much loved)… would love more info on it if so.

     So the Mr. and I took a ride yesterday to browse The Trove, and as soon as I stepped inside the back warehouse/shop… there he was.  I had been looking for him for years… and immediately I said out loud…OMG! There he is!!….  to which the shop owner was a witness and  The Mr. knew immediately this wasn’t a good sign as far as he was concerned…

  He’s not subtle. 
     I love the antique toy horses in all their forms and as a child, wanted anyone I could get my hands on.  One friend had the bouncy horse and another had poncho, the ride along… I asked for a ride on those ponies any chance I got.  I had my own collection of Breyer horses, and they sit in a barn in my basement today. 
    So.. most antique rocking horses, if you can find them, are expensive.  I was thrilled to see the sticker price for this fella and they gave me 20 percent off.   I wasn’t sure if this was an authentic older rocking horse, but it sure looked like it had all the right qualities.  When I got home I found out it’s the real deal, and I got it for a fantastic price.   I had planned on restoring it.. as in stripping it down and repainting, etc…. but when I found out it is actually an 1890’s horse, I just know I really shouldn’t strip it.  The real horse hair tail will need replacing because it fell out in my hands this morning, (rot) and his ears are missing so I will find grey leather and give him new ones, but that might be the extend of my restoration plans other than soap and water before I bring him in the house.  On the fence about  just what I should mess with – replace the tack, leave it?  add a mane, leave it bare?  Any suggestions appreciated…. any antique  rocking horse experts out there? 

  I found this one below for sale here in Connecticut, believe it or not…  and it’s in far worse condition for five times the price.  Same maker for sure… yet that information isn’t available, there are no stamps or identifying labels on these horses.
