I got the message…

Driving down the highway a few nights ago…
this was ahead of us.

Choose Happy  🙂

23 thoughts on “I got the message…”

  1. Your special message from the heavens. Great shot. Sometimes, I need to remember to look up, as you did and captured the beauty of it all.

  2. I think that's God laughing at me about the Paris post. Not gonna happen! Unless I win the lottery. Lol.

  3. Even though it must have been dangerous to do I am sure glad you got that pic! This smile brought a smile to my face:)

  4. That is awesome! But it would scare the shit out of me, hehe. You're obviously more positively inclined than I am 🙂

    And you've given me inspiration for a post. Yeah!!!! Thanks for that. Made me happy 😉

  5. What a cool sight to see! You always manage to capture just the right moment and in this case light!!

  6. Holy of Holy's! That is amazing!
    Karen, you really caught the best ever face in the clouds!!! It looks to be speaking too…glad you heard it!


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