Inside Outside and a Me Me about You

This is what it looks like at 7am this morning at This Old House…
two kids home from work and school, sharing cold misery.
Note the roll of paper towels at hand for nose blowing.
now THAT’S misery, if you ask me. 
Think I oughta head out to CVS for tissues?… the shame of it. 
Meanwhile, standing mopey on the deck are dogs who don’t
wanna get wet, but really gotta go!
I’ve got a 9am vet appointment for all four dogs for annual check up.
What was I thinking???…..
And finally, a Me Me about YOU
if you care to join in.
Leave your answers in the comments section…
please.. I need entertainment today.
1. What name would you choose for yourself if you could have been named
something other than what you were given?
2. If you could blink your eyes and be anywhere at all for a nice long weekend
of relaxation or recreation, where would you go, and with whom?
3. Three of your favorite foods…
4. If you could add a room to your current living quarters,
what would it be?
5. If you won 5 million dollars,
how do you absolutely know you would spend a portion of it?
my answers:
St. John, Vida de Mar Villa  with my family
Guacamole with tortilla chips
A really good cheesecake
the best kind of lobster roll.. cold, salad like.
Hot tub greenhouse.
I’d open a homeless shelter for people and animals.
A Halfway house, sort of.
I have ideas about it…..

23 thoughts on “Inside Outside and a Me Me about You”

  1. 1.What name would you choose for yourself if you could have been named something other than what you were given?

    Nadia! My name while growing up was so damn common. There were dozens of Debi's in every class.

    2.If you could blink your eyes and be anywhere at all for a nice long weekend of relaxation or recreation, where would you go, and with whom?

    Right now? I'd love to go on a girl's trip to . . . hmm . . . Vegas!

    3. Three of your favorite foods…

    4. If you could add a room to your current living quarters, what would it be?

    A bathroom in our loft-bedroom.

    5. If you won 5 million dollars,
    how do you absolutely know you would spend a portion of it?

    A place in New York, a place in Mexico, a place here. Of course this is after giving a hunk to a few charities. Gotta say that.

    Thanks Karen – these are always fun.

  2. You're such a nut, that's why I love you.

    I like my name, pretty much.

    Cape Breton, Nova Scotia…..with an old, close friend.

    salad, Maine chowda, rhubarb pie with vanilla ice cream.
    a QUIET room
    animal rescue…..pure and simple.

  3. Not a bit surprised by YOUR answers… you have a big heart!Hope the kiddos feel better soon, and the paper towel roll is what I prefer OVER Kleenex since I have a big honker for a nose! I always have trouble with these but here goes-
    1.What name would you choose for yourself if you could have been named something other than what you were given?

    Nola, after my Grandmother.

    2.If you could blink your eyes and be anywhere at all for a nice long weekend of relaxation or recreation, where would you go, and with whom?

    I need a vacation so bad, Mexico would be nice… beach and hubby by my side!

    3. Three of your favorite foods…

    Guacamole and chips
    Chocolate cake
    Sounds like we could eat at the same place and be happy campers!

    4. If you could add a room to your current living quarters, what would it be?

    Prob. a second master on the first floor, wish we'd done that when we built. I think when we do sell it's going to be an issue with some buyers having to go up stairs.

    5. If you won 5 million dollars,
    how do you absolutely know you would spend a portion of it?

    I'd love to travel, but for right now with aging parents it's impossible. Some day, and having 5 million would sure help!

    Fun Friday post Karen! Have a great weekend… hope the pups all had a good check up!

  4. I like my middle name and always wanted to go by that: Renee

    I'd like to be at any white, sandy beach with my hubby!

    Only three favorite foods? Hmmmm.
    anything Mexican
    any seafood
    any potato dish

    I'd love to add a craft/library room.

    what to do with 5 millions dollars… I'd buy an old farm house with a barn and fenced pastures on 1,000 acres and fill it with animals and put in a huge veggie garden!

    Good luck at the vet with four dogs!

  5. 1. Olivia
    2. Amelia Island in a B&B w/James Brolin w/o Barbra
    3. Chicken & rice, purple hull peas with okra, fried cornbread, peach cobbler (more than 3) 🙂
    4. Screen porch
    5. A house for my granddaughter, a new car, St. Judes

    Hope you don't get the cold and the kids are well soon.

  6. 1. What name would you choose for yourself if you could have been named
    something other than what you were given?

    2. If you could blink your eyes and be anywhere at all for a nice long weekend
    of relaxation or recreation, where would you go, and with whom?
    I of course would go to Martha's Vineyard. I'd be happy to go alone but any family member could join me.

    3. Three of your favorite foods…
    pasta – ice cream – blueberry scones

    4. If you could add a room to your current living quarters,
    what would it be?
    A glass enclosed sun porch.

    5. If you won 5 million dollars,
    how do you absolutely know you would spend a portion of it?
    I would buy a new car, move, take only what I needed to live comfortably and then divide the rest between my 4 family member.

  7. Fun post- Love the rain-but not the fact that you have to take wet dogs to the vet!

    1. What name would you choose for yourself if you could have been named
    something other than what you were given? Hmmmm…I go by my middle name so I kind of did pick it (over my first name)

    2. If you could blink your eyes and be anywhere at all for a nice long weekend
    of relaxation or recreation, where would you go, and with whom?
    The beach/ocean in Florida-with hubby or grands.

    3. Three of your favorite foods…
    Chicken fettucini, lemon or Key lime pie, a good steak

    4. If you could add a room to your current living quarters,
    what would it be? A craft room/office for me.

    5. If you won 5 million dollars,
    how do you absolutely know you would spend a portion of it? I would use part of it to help others start realizing their dreams.

  8. Thanks for inviting us in on the fun!
    1. LeeLee
    2. Coast of Maine with my family
    3. Beef stew, sweet and sour chicken, ditto the lobster roll : )
    4. Finished basement for a game room
    5. Help make things easier for my mom and sister-

  9. 1. What name would you choose for yourself if you could have been named
    something other than what you were given?

    2. If you could blink your eyes and be anywhere at all for a nice long weekend
    of relaxation or recreation, where would you go, and with whom?
    A nice sunny beach with girlfriends.

    3. Three of your favorite foods…
    Only three?
    Guacamole & tortilla chips
    Strawberry shortcake

    4. If you could add a room to your current living quarters,
    what would it be?
    A pool house.
    But I'd need the pool too, please.

    5. If you won 5 million dollars,
    how do you absolutely know you would spend a portion of it?
    I would buy a house with a view of the water and share some of the money with my brothers and sisters.

  10. 1.What name would you choose for yourself if you could have been named something other than what you were given?

    I like the flexibility of my name.

    Given Name: Daniel, which many address me by. Then there is Dan and Danny. My Irish Mom always called me Danny. The majority of my French family would call me Daniel.

    2.If you could blink your eyes and be anywhere at all for a nice long weekend of relaxation or recreation, where would you go, and with whom?

    I'd love to be in Wakatobi with all my Blog friends.

    3. Three of your favorite foods…

    c)Apple Crumble with Ice-cream

    4. If you could add a room to your current living quarters, what would it be?

    four-season spa

    5. If you won 5 million dollars,
    how do you absolutely know you would spend a portion of it?

    Spread the wealth with family and local charities (hospice, food-bank, anti-bullying program, women shelter, community awareness programs for mental health).

  11. Oh, Karen, it's getting late and my brain is freezing up — boo, me.

    If we're out of Kleenex, a roll of toilet paper is used as a backup.

  12. 1. Rose
    2. Tuscany
    3. Potato chips, Rhubarb pie – no strawberries!, coffee anything but right now I am thinking milkshakes
    4. A gorgeous master bathroom
    5. My only desire for myself is a house on the water….

  13. 1. Katrin

    2. Puerto Rico with hubby.

    3. crookneck squash, watermelon and berries.

    4. Studio for me

    5. A new car and donations for animal rescue spay/neuter clinics and women's shelters (because that benefits children too).

  14. 1. No other name; I love my name.
    Sandra means helper and Kay is Celtic for happy. I love my names!
    2. Dubrovnik, Croatia
    3. ice cream, pasta, a good hamburger
    4. no more rooms, can't keep the ones I've got clean!
    5. Missions, family, friends and buy a place near my sister where I'd move.
    Gosh, Karen…even toilet paper would be easier on your nose than paper towels! -LOL-

  15. 1. francesca….with the nickname of frankie

    2. tuscany with my hubby

    3. cannolis….barbeque popchips….cheese

    4. a huge screened in porch to replace our little one

    5. first a house in seaside and then lots of it to the YMCA camp where my kids grew up summer after summer and then became camp counselors there.

    ps…i hope the sick ones heal quickly !!

  16. 1. Mairead (It's Gaelic for Pearl from the sea)

    2. Martha's Vineyard with my husband and good friend Susan @ "From Beyond my Kitchen Window" and her husband.

    3. Lobster, blueberry pie & pizza

    4. A 4 season sun room with tons of built-in's

    5. Take care of my nieces, nephews and assorted family and friends in need

  17. Love the pictures, but feel sorry for the kids – poor things, it's no fun having a cold and having to use paper towel! LOL!

    Now for the meme ..

    Gosh, what name would I choose? That's a tough one. Maybe one of my ancestor's names. Let's see .. I think I like Evelyn, which was my mother's name and also a grandmother's name too.

    2 – New Zealand!! And I'd take OH, of course!

    3 – Risotto, vegetables (pretty much any) and bread – which I shouldn't eat!

    4 – Craft room. No need to think about that!

    5 – Another toughie. Tempting to say first class jet travel, but .. I think I might have to rebuild the kennels for our local greyhound rescue – they are falling down!

  18. 1. Evelyn (my mother's middle name)
    2. Boothbay Harbor, Maine with my hubby
    3. Lobster, Avocado & Tomato Linguini, Homemade vanilla ice cream
    4. Library
    5. Sell our house, move to the country and buy a farm

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