Irene – take two

 We’ve got power tonight! And internet! 
And the kids are having a bon fire party up on the hill behind the house.
I could use a stiff drink.  Just sayin.
Highlights from the storm…

19 thoughts on “Irene – take two”

  1. Seeing the devastation and knowing what could have been, makes you feel really blessed and lucky.

    Love the little dog in the last picture!

  2. Yikes, it looks like you guys got hammered! Most of my town lost power, we however, were very fortunate and only had a blink. We didn't even loose a branch. My brother, who lives in the same town had some major tree damage and lost power for hours! I'm happy to hear that your family is safe!


  3. So glad you guys are back up and running and The Old House made it through in one piece!!! The pictures are amazing. Some folks just lost so much…down by the shore…the devastation is unbelievable. Lots and lots of power trucks!! Big shout out to those guys!!

  4. When you live where we do, the old cliche "it could have been worse" gets old at times, but it usually rings true.

    I'm so sorry for your community and its losses, but all can be replaced in time. Glad that you and your family stayed safe. 🙂

  5. You have been in my thoughts. I was really waiting for a post. I had a feeling you had been hit pretty bad up that way. I know its been a terribly busy time especially being without power. How are the animals? I've seen so many N.C. power trucks headed up the interstate your way. Thinking about you and hoping each day of cleanup is a little better.

  6. Wow, impressive pictures! So glad you all are ok there! Reminds me of the ice storm in 98 up here! But at least then we had snow to melt for water for the animals and drinking–hate to see those trees down and hope your horses are ok…

  7. Glad you are safe and no one was hurt. We didn't lose any trees (this time-we lost 15 tall oaks and pines with Gloria)

    Glad you got your power back..we got ours back Tuesday night. I hear some are still out…
    Strange how after hurricanes it is so quiet except for the chain saws, generators, and if you can hear them through that, the birds. And that wonderful night sky with no competing outside light!
    I suppose there is good in everything. How's the barn and horses?

  8. After "Frances" hit us and the power trucks from all the U.S. started rolling in..well I think that was when I had my first breakdown. That and seeing our home for the first time. The guys working for the power companies were treated like royalty! For it was them who would get us back to a new normal.
    How fortunate you were, Karen. I was so worried about you! For those that have never been through or seen the devastation of a hurricane up close and personal, it is so hard to put into words or even pics. Your pics are truly hitting home with me…again.
    xo, misha

  9. We were without power for 5 days and I am just now getting back to the computer! Funny but during the storm it didn't seem that bad!

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