It comes to this….

   Since the coyote drama I have not let my girls free roam and they dearly miss it. Whenever I walk over they crowd the coopyard door thinking I’m surely going to let them out THIS time…. 

   So  after weeks of this pathetic behavior I decided to bring a beach chair out there and for about a half hour on most days I let them out to dig and scratch and flutter and flap and run and jump for joy.. because that’s what they do after being cooped up for so long.   You always wondered where that expression came from, didn’t ya.    If a coyote wanders near I’ll beat him with my bare hands, I’m so mad at the losses he’s already inflicted.

The hens and bunnies have gotten used to each other
and now appear to be on friendly terms. Cloud and Harley are
also only allowed out in their “yard” while I’m sitting there
or cleaning the coop and hutch.
Below, Harley and Cloud with Luna and Lily.

This group below are my girls from the chick clutch I raised this spring.
They have just begun laying.


 I’m off to a sunflower festival to paint faces with sunflowers.
It’s so darn humid here, you know those skies that look like they could
sprout a tornado or hurricane?…. that I think the face paints
are going to slide right off the little faces.
We’ll see…. Have a good weekend all –