It’s all about the Eggs

Cleo and Marc are the proud parents of five eggs.
Now residing over our kitchen porch sliding doors,
lets hope they can contend with the traffic I so sternly warned them about.

Note the chicken feathers and horse tail hair they’ve used
in the construction of their nest. Our farm is a regular birdie home depot, apparently.
No wonder they’re so persistent about this location.
In other egg news…
I collected eggs a few mornings ago
and discovered this tiny mini egg amongst the others.
We all wondered if it would be intact.. tiny yolk and all…
Oops.. a shell, hate when that happens.
But as you can see, there is indeed a tiny yolk. About the size of a pencil eraser.
This morning’s breakfast… I bought commercial eggs to demonstrate.
and here’s an example of a commercial egg versus one of mine.
Top – home grown
bottom – commercial egg.
See the difference in the color of the yoke?
There are several reasons.
1. my egg is much fresher.. you could be eating a  month old egg
bought from the store. The yoke starts to lose it’s nutritional value..
and rich color, after two weeks time.
2. What the chickens are being fed.
Mine eat a healthy chicken layer mash,
along with their free range bugs and grass…
and whatever good stuff we have left over, like tomatoes, grapes, raisins,
oatmeal, watermelon, yogurt, shredded cheese.
A happy heathy chicken makes a happy healthy egg.
If you are in an area where you can by local eggs, give them a whirl,
you won’t be disappointed.
I feed the chickens before I walk up to the barn in the morning.
If there are eggs to collect, I gather them and set them on the wall
until I walk back down to the house.
It’s a good thing horses don’t like eggs.

It’s a new day all – make it a good one 🙂