It’s all about the Pizza

   Although we’re attempting to lose some weight here at This Old House, Mike and I had a hankering for some good New Haven pizza after a garden supply run at the nearby Agway yesterday.   Having grown up in New York, I was spoiled with the abundance of rich ethnic foods like awesome pizza, chinese food, and bagels like you can’t get anywhere else.  When I moved to Connecticut, I missed it dearly, I won’t lie.  New Haven Pizza, however, comes close and apparently has a culture all it’s own.

 “ New Haven-style pizza, locally known as apizza, is a style of Neapolitan pizza common in and around New Haven, Connecticut. It originated at the Frank Pepe Pizzeria Napoletana, in business since the 1920’s… and is now served in many other pizza restaurants in the area, most notably Sally’s Apizza, Bar Bru Room, Grand Apizza, and Modern Apizza. This geographically limited pizza style has gained considerable culinary and historical importance. What sets New Haven-style pizza apart from other styles is its unusually thin crust. Brick or occasionally high temperature gas oven cooking bakes the crust to a very crispy shell (often burnt black in spots, desirably known as “the char” but leaves the inside soft and chewy”

   Frank Pepe’s is the most well known, but we are firm believers that the best pie in New Haven can be found at Modern Pizza… operating since the 1930’s!

If you come to any of these establishments during peak hours, you might wait an
hour or so for seating. The pizza is so good, there are always people willing to wait.
  We usually stop in just short of peak, like 4:00 on a Saturday
afternoon, so there is no wait time.
The Veggie Bomb! (available with gluten free crust)
Traditional pepperoni and Mootz – YUM.
We always bring something home too….

Some fun pizza facts:

94 percent of Americans eat pizza regularly

93 percent of Americans have eaten pizza in the last month

The highest-grossing single-unit independent pizzeria in the nation, Moose’s Tooth Pub and Pizzeria, is in Anchorage , Alaska. Its annual sales are approximately $6 million.

There are approximately 61,269 pizzerias in the United States

Pizza comes from the latin root word Picea which means the blackening of crust by fire.

Domino’s Pizza is the world leader in delivery

Pizza Deliverers claim women are better tippers

Most expensive pizza created was made by the restaurateur Domenico Crolla who created a $2,745.00 priced Valentine pizza which included toppings such as sunblush-tomato sauce, Scottish smoked salmon, medallions of venison, edible gold, lobster marinated in the finest cognac and champagne-soaked caviar

 So, spill it.  When was the last time you had pizza?  How often do you eat pizza? What are your favorite toppings?

19 thoughts on “It’s all about the Pizza”

  1. I used to eat pizza about once a week. Now I rarely eat pizza so when I do, it better be good! My favorite local place closed their doors after many many years in business, so that was really a shame. I haven't found a place I like as well, so maybe that's a good thing? I generally like a combo with sausage, pepperoni, mushrooms, onions, olives, peppers. mmmm mmmmm

  2. i haven't had take-out or dine-in pizza in a while (well, i did drive in to dallas a couple of months ago to meet a friend at campisi's, the first pizza place in texas and a classic.)

    i do, however, by the ready-made thin crust, top it with olive oil, put on a bit of chicken or ham or hamburger, onion, basil and cook it here at home.

  3. Karen – we have pizza maybe once a month. Since I'm allergic to pork and most Italian meats and my husband is allergic to fish, we always get plain cheese and tomato.
    However… my daughter and I like to get a personal size veggie pizza to share once in awhile.
    We like thin crust but any crust is fine with me.

  4. This sounds like a great place…the Veggie Bomb looks fantastic! We are surrounded by great pizza places and we usually order it out about 3X a month.


  5. We have pizza about twice a month, but it's the grocery store kind. There are a couple that are pretty good. I like thin crust, sausage, mushrooms and lots of black olives.

    The very best pizza I've ever had? MY mom made them from scratch back before pizza wasn't that popular where we lived. Oh my, makes me hungry thinking about it. 🙂

  6. We eat it probably once a week. That veggie one looks great, although I am not a fan of broccoli on my pizza.
    My hubby has eaten at the Moose's Tooth, although he said he didn't think it was that great. Apparently those in Anchorage disagree!
    I like canadian bacon and pineapple, pepperoni or sometimes a gourmet variety.

  7. Friday nights are pizza and a movie night around here, this past Friday being no exception. I'd say those statistics are spot on for Canucks too!

  8. Well with two boys they love pizza so I would say at least once every two weeks ! My favorite is pepperoni but I also love a good taco pizza !!!

  9. we just had pizza last night…..and often have it once a week…..

    we order the milano from villa dolce…..sausage, red and green peppers, goat cheese, mushrooms…..yum !

  10. We don't eat pizza much cause the best we can get here is Digiorno from Walmart. :/But I often dream of living in NYC just for the pizza I could have. lol (well not just the pizza, but it's high on the list)

  11. LOL- Well, DON'T laugh- I don't eat pizza…my family does but it is something I never really developed a taste for–strange, I know. Of course-I eat just about everything else on earth…xo Diana

  12. We love to remember back to when we met almost 19 years ago. I told my 'now' hubby that I would make him a homemade pizza…and that scared him. He said no for awhile and then finally I just went ahead and made one. Now we NEVER buy a pizza or eat it when we go out. I make the BEST pizza EVAH! And it's made to order. My side had sage sausage and his has Italian sausage and pepperoni. Both sides have lots of onion, and red sweet peppers…tons of cheese and good spices. I make it just about once a week. Hugs!

  13. Well hell, probably tonight since you've made my mouth water for pizza!! 🙂

    Our favorite here in NW Oregon is in McMinnville and it's a little Italian joint called Gerraldi's. Crust is not too thick and not too thin, just right. Sauce is traditional red and is to die for! We like the Mama Mia's Favorite with Italian sausage, ground beef, pepperoni, red onions, mushrooms, artichoke hearts, green bell peppers and pineapple and lots of ooey, gooey cheese! Sprinkle with a little parmesan and tabasco and you have the BEST pizza ever!! Seriously!! Now I just gotta have it!!

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