It’s a beautiful thing

Forgive me for this boast, ok?
I am brimming with happiness this morning
after an awesome weekend with my girl and her horse.
Our senior boy, Max, was an absolute gentleman.
and K?… did fantastic, remembered her patterns in horsemanship
and even managed a few blue ribbons at her first QH show.
And I’ll share something with you.
I don’t know if I’ll ever stop welling up with tears
every time I hear her name called over the loudspeaker for a placing.
It must look ridiculous to others.   
Sometimes the tears come just because I see her smiling out there
enjoying life and riding that horse.
Still fresh in my mind is the picture of that same person hooked up to
life supporting machines with the question of whether
 there would ever be life again at all.
Remember this… should God Forbid… you ever find yourself
in a horrible situation that might look like your worst nightmare…
There is always hope.. there is always the possibility of recovery,
and life will go on. Sometimes better than you can pray for or imagine
in those darkest of hours. 
Proof below.  
These are just some of the crew from the barn.
Truly, they are like family… so good to share the experience with
such a nice group of people.

It’s all good.

24 thoughts on “It’s a beautiful thing”

  1. You should be so proud ! Those are tears of being so proud of k and you should be ! Congrats to her !!! Have a wonderful start to your week

  2. Boast away and weep away. Precious moments indeed documenting the rearing of your children into responsible beautiful adults. You must realize that many parents and children never have this success, this love.

    every time my son came around the corner of the HS leading the band as drum major I teared up. EVERY week! lol for TWO seasons! I'll never successfully view each frame of Hannah's films as I weep through most of them..

    tears of joy…weep away

  3. Wow, I actually got goose bumps reading this from a very proud mom, spectacular. With your history, my gosh, I'd be welling up everyday, but to have her being successful in what she obviously likes to do…..just amazing. Her smile says she was as thrilled as you were. Beautiful horse, beautiful photos and a beautiful healthy daughter having fun. You should be thrilled mom.

  4. I'm certainly struck by your words- but truly I am struck by just how radiant she looks. Absolutely stunning in all regards! I have goose bumps reading your words and knowing exactly what you mean- so very amazing this journey you've had 🙂

  5. Beautiful pictures Karen really beautiful.I also have taken to heart the words you said about hope.I thought we would lose Kerry when she gave birth recently.I have never prayed so hard.take care.-love deex

  6. I LOVE seeing these pictures!!! And brag all you want! Your daughter and QH make an adorable pair! Congrats on the blues and great horse shows! We are going to Saratoga next week! Ps- I bought my TB a tail, LOL! 🙂

  7. You sharing your words, your story, is what continues to give others hope. Thank you for your bravery in that.

    Tears spilled out reading this.

    A million congratulations!

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