It’s a beautiful thing…

 It never ceases to amaze me… we but up posters, we post to FB, people share and share again… but there’s no way to know how many people will come out, and pass the interviews and criteria…to adopt the shelter dogs.  The support we get  with adopters who show up, sometimes hours before we’re going to open the doors to the adoption event. is simply amazing.   The volunteers are more than amazing.

 Adopters have to go through a process if they find a dog they’d like to adopt. It ain’t easy.  There’s an application form, then an interview, then a meeting with the vet and the trainer… if all goes well and everyone feels it’s a good fit for dog and new adopter, the rescue is paid the adoption fee (which includes spay or neuter, shots, worming)  and off they go to their new home.  Some are aggravated by the process… they just want to come in and grab the dog and go.  But we wouldn’t be doing anyone justice, especially the dog… if we didn’t make sure there was a very good chance it was a safe home, a good fit. 

Thirty three dogs got homes yesterday, just 15 or so left today.  GO DOG DAYS!!!  Clinton Petco, 11-4, although if all dogs are adopted before 4pm, the doors will close early.

This three legged boy got a home!

Smiley on the left still looking for a home…

This girl got a home…
This boy got a home…

My son and friend did a great job volunteering..
and these two brothers, Andy and Alvin, got a home!

Dog Days Founder Lorin and volunteers working their magic…

Spleeny got a home! and hopefully a new name.
I had a bad hair day.. just hush.


24 thoughts on “It’s a beautiful thing…”

  1. Way to go Karen! Wow, lots of dogs found homes, that's wonderful news! Must make it ALL worthwhile at the end of the day to see a dog go home with a loving family!

    Glad to hear the little legged boy got adopted!!

  2. Nice job Karen. Because of you and all the rest of the Dog Days people, these dogs and families will spend many good days together….nice pictures of the event!

  3. Oh, what a wonderful thing, to have so many of the dogs going to loving homes! I'd take 'Smiley' or 'Sonny' in a heartbeat if I didn't already have a household that's full of dogs (one is a foster). Thank you for all you're doing!


  4. My dog George is from a rescue shelter. I had to court him for over a month and the rescue had to be convinced I could handle a dog like George (AmStaff). I didn't know until the day the volunteer actually brought him t me that I had passed the process.

    They do their due diligence to make certain I would be a good parent.

    Me and George are happy all these six years later.

  5. This is such a wonderful cause!!! I thank you for all the work you do for Rescue and Adoption. Honestly, I would have to buy a much larger home because I would want them all!!! So glad that so many dogs found new homes!!

  6. You guys are awesome, and yes it is a beautiful thing. I'm glad so many got a new home, and hope yesterday went as well.


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