It’s illuminating

 Something about them brings out the inner child in us all,
don’t you think?
 I don’t care what kind of a crappy mood you might be in
and it doesn’t matter the reason… 
If you’re out on a winters eve and you come across
a holiday light display, most often your spirits are lifted.
 Like the moment when Kris Kringle hands the Winter Warlock
 a toy choo choo, melting the ice around his heart…. 
..or when Linus wraps his beloved blanket around Charlie Browns
sad little tree and friends who shunned him earlier
gather round to sing.
The tree (and Charlie) flourishes in this act of love.
When I see a light display or holiday decorations,
I think of the people who live inside the house.
Clearly, such an outward expression of joy means
 there is joy within, and it’s meant to be shared.
When there is no sign of celebration,
 no wreath on the door or holiday lights or candles
 in the window, I get the feeling there is sadness.
Now THESE folks must be oozing  joy….(or booze, could be that)

This is my favorite…
I’de love to recreate it but can you imagine the work?
The expense! 
My grandmother had a white christmas tree for years.
Sometimes it was decorated with all red ornaments
 and tinsel and poinsettia
and once  it was an ocean of blue.
Sounds tacky but let me tell you…
it was beautiful.
These trees aren’t exactly traditional, but they are extraordinary.
If I could only find those STARS….
 Today we’re planning what kind of joy we’ll be spreading around outside
 This Old House.
At the moment you can’t appreciate the irony of that statement
 because you’re not here.  
The teen and I are setting up the snow village.
This post is my coffee break, because I needed one badly.
 Apparently I have forgotten everything I ever knew
and he has found what I must have dropped on the floor
and multiplied it by all the smarts any adult has ever accumulated.
 Quick, ask him something, whatever it is,
while he still knows everything! 
Just for gawds sake don’t give your own opinion
 because I’ll warn you now
 you’re already wrong.
 I’m  off  to the hardware store
 to order 10,000 more sets of lights,
cause that’s what it’s gonna take.

17 thoughts on “It’s illuminating”

  1. Okay, I shouldn't be giggling when I completely feel your pain, but thank goodness for a sense of humor 🙂 I'm only in the tween stage and sense utter despair for the all the things that will change… good luck with those lights, and let me know if they work! I'll be ready for them by the time you are through 🙂

  2. OHHH!!! You touched a sensitive nerve here. I have lived with the know it alls {and still do~could they even BE smarter since the tweens}, so I hear ya!! The best defense is never defend!! It drives them crazzzzzy.

    Can't wait to see your old house all decked out in lights!! I'm sure it will speak of the joy [we can say that} inside {because it's true}.


  3. Wow! Great show of trees and lights. I love that one with all the many, many mulitcolored strings on it…and I am a white light kinda gal! That is something spectacular…Hugs-Diana

  4. I love it, all of it. The lights, your words, your teen. If I can do nothing else, I will put a light in the window. Thank you. 🙂

  5. I'm with you, Karen, when it comes to the favorite…. and you can only hope that with all that electricity wrapped around those trees and houses that it is oozing and NOT boozing… LOL


  6. I bet "This Old House" will look mighty spectacular all lit up! I'll be doin' a drive by to check out your progress! Ahhh, tis the season!!!

  7. I adore Christmas lights, music, decor, and everything else. When Linus wraps his blankie around the tree and they all sing, I cry every time. I love to decorate and try to do a bit more every year I would love to be the house everyone comes to see. I am just too afraid for the hubby to climb up on the roof! I normally don't start until after Thanksgiving because I feel it needs it due, but this year I am itching to start! I even had Christmas music on the other day, but it is hard to feel it when all the windows are open, the leaves are finally changing, and it is 72 degree! Oh well, tis the season in the south!!!

  8. I just LOVE Christmas lights and driving around and looking at all of the outdoor displays!! I used to go BIG and decorate every single room of my house plus the whole outside. Since it is just Ben and I…we have slowly cut down each year. And we will continue to do that again this year. It is alot of work. We do not really need that many decorations!! My daughter will be with us on Christmas day…but other than that…it is kind of lonely for us on the holiday. I cannot wait to see what you do with your new gorgeous house!!! It is so exciting…yes??

  9. No matter how bad it gets, there's always something to remember in thanksgiving! We haven't had a Christmas tree in years but I decorate with a lot of creche's, fairy lights and candles both real and electric. It's magical after dark and, as we're on a hill, can be seen for a long, long way. One year I left the window candles in place and it really befuddled folks. They kept asking, "are you still celebrating Christmas?" If ya gotta ask you, probably, just don't get it.

  10. I love holiday lights – you're right, your mood changes immediately when you see them.

    I often wonder about those houses that have no lights at all –


  11. I love the holidays…love the cooking, love the lights, love the anticipation, love the decorating…am still laughing about your tween–my youngest is 19 and I have gotten smarter lately 😀 Happy thanksgiving, Karen!! xo

  12. I love to drive around and oh and ahh at all the extravagant Christmas lights…even if all I do is put candles in the winddows each year…Love those photos!

    …and I love your description of working with a teen…:)

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