It’s a Nest Fest * Lavender Honey Cheesecake

    Let’s talk about all those nests I’m finding everywhere.  So many this year, it’s almost bizarre.  What was it about this winter and spring that has every thing proliferating?… including… TICKS.    No exaggeration, as soon as one of my dogs, in particular, Frasier, step  outside they’ve got a tick or two attached to them. And that’s WITH the all natural, non-toxic – basically non-existent tick repellent application.   Bleh. 
Back to those nests – Here are just a few… 
These chickadee babies live in the outhouse birdhouse in the backyard cherry tree right next to the patio.  It’s a small, baby tree, high traffic area …but nevertheless, she persisted. 
      The eggs below  belong to a purple finch – this nest is on the front porch next to my office door. Notice one egg is different than the others.  That’s a cowbird egg.  I just learned that cowbirds, probably due to their -follow the herd- instincts,  lay eggs in other birds nests and then leave them there for the original maker of the nest to raise.   The problem with that is… cowbird babies grow at a faster rate than other smaller birds, which is the kind of nest cowbirds seek out to deposit their eggs – probably for that reason. Survival instincts!… But…  what happens is the cowbird chick  is more demanding of the parent birds and the original eggs/ babies are usually deprived of nourishment and many die.    
     Well the whole idea was cute until I read that part.   I don’t like it at all, but what’s a person to do.  Some say chuck that bad egg out… others say let nature take it’s course.  The law says it’s illegal. (ok then)    I can tell you this…it’s not gonna sit well with me if I am staring at four baby birds starving to death with one big fat baby sitting on top of them taking all the food.  Did I mention they’re right outside my door?  The door I sit next to.. the one I look out over as I work?  The nest is right there.   
    Meanwhile, down by the sea, we have a Carolina Wren nesting on Stella’s Porch …  as far as I can tell, just Carolina Wren eggs in that one. 

      Another Spring thing I discovered on Pinterest and shall make perhaps over the weekend… A recipe for a Lavender Honey Cheesecake, doesn’t that sound delicious?   I need to find some culinary lavender, so far, none sold around these parts.   Regarding Pinterest, great resource for all kinds of inspirational things – awesome reference, but what a time suck, hence I limit my visits there to about once a week. 
So, that recipe…  Source is Taste of Home


  • 4 tablespoons dried lavender flowers, divided
  • 1/4 cup boiling water
  • 1-1/2 cups crushed shortbread cookies (about 21 cookies)
  • 3 tablespoons butter, melted
  • 2 packages (8 ounces each) cream cheese, softened
  • 3/4 cup honey
  • 1-1/4 cups heavy whipping cream
  • Lavender sugar and fresh mint leaves, optional


  • 1. In a small bowl, combine 3 tablespoons lavender and water. Cover and steep for 15 minutes. Strain water, discarding lavender. Set aside.
  • 2. Crush remaining lavender flowers. In a small bowl, combine the cookie crumbs, butter and crushed lavender. Press onto the bottom of a greased 9-in. springform pan. Cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
  • 3. For filling, in a large bowl, beat cream cheese and honey until smooth. Gradually beat in lavender water. In another bowl, beat cream until stiff peaks form. Fold into filling. Spoon over crust.
  • 4. Refrigerate overnight. Run a knife around edge of pan to loosen; remove sides of pan. Sprinkle with lavender sugar and mint leaves if desired. Yield: 16 servings.

Editor’s Note: Look for dried lavender flowers in spice shops. If using lavender from the garden, make sure it hasn’t been treated with chemicals.

  Another recipe, a little more technical, can be found HERE – not sure which will taste better. This one takes a little more effort.  
 Till soon, Friends –