Junior Prom

aaah, Youth.
Best buddies since kindergarten…

I’d never make a good wedding photographer, (tis TRUE, Tim!)
The girls were freezing, and the boys were fidgety – like maybe all had temporary ADHD…
or something.
We did the best we could, but jeez, aren’t they all beautiful?

21 thoughts on “Junior Prom”

  1. Nice pics Karen! What a fabulous day it was yesterday for the Prom! Big group photos are indeed a challenge, but you did great!

  2. Everyone looks sooooo beautiful… and young! Fantastic images, Karen and I especially LOVE the third one!

  3. These are beautiful pictures, Karen, they capture the moment. Your son is so handsome, I see a bit of you in him. Love all the dresses, they've changed since Abby was in High School. I love the pink dress with the bling on the shoulders and the white dress with the sheer fabric on the front. These girls look like they could be walking the red carpet!


  4. Yes indeed, they are all beautiful.

    My favorites #3 and #4.

    But, the most favorite? The last one. It's like he's looking to the future, and oh what a wonderful future he will have.

    Both of your kids are special.


  5. Beautiful, yes "youth", like it was yesterday for us. Hope all had a wonderful time. Those babies will always remember their H.S. years. Karen acapecodnest

  6. They all look perfectly beautiful…like out of a magazine beautiful! Love the dresses especially. Everything is so much more elegant and feminine now! You did great taking the photos, too!

  7. Fidgety? Look at the age group you had to work with. Just before prom their thoughts are NOT on getting their picture taken. They just want the party to begin! They all look beautiful and your photography is fantastic. You can photograph any of my kids' weddings any day.

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