Just Do it

     I’m a worrier. Always have been.. as it always shall be.  Unless they come up with some miracle cure for worry, and then I’ll be first in line holding my hand extended out for that magic pill because oooh, wouldn’t it be nice not to worry.  My 93 year old neighbor across the street told me the secret to longevity is to try not worry too much.. what will be.. will be. One foot in front of the other, take it as it comes, and don’t imagine what isn’t even there.

 Sounds like a great plan!! Easier said than done, my friends.. easier said than done.

  Some months back I went for my yearly mammogram and thankfully “all appears normal”.  Then I got a notice in the mail from the radiology group that my boobs are “moderately dense”… and we’re not talking IQ here.  Because of this fact, they now recommend a follow up ultrasound because it can detect things a mammo can’t.       The notice said that it wasn’t an urgent matter, talk it over with my Dr. next time I had an appointment.    So I did discuss it at my yearly ob-gyn exam. My Dr. just happened to be recovering from breast cancer which was detected by ultrasound, NOT the mammogram, which appeared normal.  The same is true of my own mother, who is a breast cancer survivor of three years now.   Given the family history, I was advised to get the ultrasound along with the mammogram. 


 Another test to agonize over and procrastinate on and kick about in my ever worrying mind.  I finally got around to it, remembering the words of a dear blog friend, Vicky,  who is battling Stage Four breast cancer with a dignity and grace, courage and strength that amazes me every step of her journey.  She said.. I don’t think there are any regrets for tests taken… just regrets for tests -not- taken that could have prevented something worse.

 With that in mind and my own mother’s experience, I finally made the appointment and had the ultrasound exam.  I’m very relieved to report that all is well.  The technician was a lovely woman who explained the importance of getting both screenings done because neither detects all cancers, but both together are an excellent tool for early detection.

So.. if you’re told you have dense breast tissue, get the ultrasound as well.  So far, I believe statistics are that it’s only mandatory for the labs to notify you in 9 states. This year..Connecticut is among them.  Ask for yourself if you’re not notified.  Do I have dense breasts?  Can I also get an ultrasound? ….

 Ok, on to something more pleasant…

 Here are some images from my late summer/early fall garden … the leaves are beginning to change.. sugar maples among my favorite and the first to turn….