Just do it

I once asked a friend who was in her late 70’s at the time
how she managed to be in such great shape, moving around
as well as any forty year old I ever knew..
and her simple answer was – 
Those simple words speak volumes.

When I lived in suburbia, Staten Island, to be exact…
one of my favorite family rituals was the walks we would take
in my grandmothers Bard Avenue neighborhood after a delicious Sunday or holiday dinner.
I loved glancing over at the windows of the houses we passed,
seeing the warm glow inside and the decorations, the gardens in the yards.

We don’t live in a sidewalked neighborhood nowadays, but

the guy and I have been burning some sneaker rubber at our local parks
and in the woods behind this old house.. and it feels really good to do so.
Oh, it’s not always comfortable.. creeky knees and sore muscles,  whine, whine, 
blah blah blah. 
Don’t listen to the excuses your body gives you, unless your doctor tells you otherwise.
I believe walking is the best form of physical exercise, and it’s totally FREE
once you buy yourself a good pair of walking shoes. 
Good shoes/sneakers are important or you won’t keep doing it. 
So, if you’ve been contemplating a little effort toward better health, 
what are you waiting for? 
Even 15 minutes around a city block or down a country road
improves your health. Make it a point to get out there atleast three or four times
a week and you will reap the benefits.  No excuses, anyone can find a little
slot of time to do this.. the quality of your life is worth the effort. 
For me, treadmills just don’t cut it, they bore me too easily 
and I quit before I’ve really gotten started. 
I find that picking different locations, not going the same route every day, 
helps with the motivation factor.  Also, taking a dog or husband or friend along helps too. 
Don’t drive yourself nuts with EXACT MILEAGE  or step counting
if you’re not a die hard fitness freak.
Just get out there and walk. Even ten minutes at lunch break counts.
Hammonasset State Park

And don’t forget to drink plenty of water!
 Are you a walker too?  What are your tips and tricks to keep the effort going?
Do you have a favorite place to get in your exercise?