Chip Today….

  This just in from Lorin regarding Chip’s progress this morning….. and the good word is PROGRESS!!!!
 Here he is in bed this morning.

 “A few more, ‘chip chip hoorays’ – Sarah F. dropped off a “beepless” laser light machine because Chip is afraid of the beeping from the machine, thank you!  Another bff for Chip is Marianne F. she stops by daily with research on mange and new natural products to help his immune system and maintain his skin.  Bobbie B.  dropped of an anti-bacterial shampoo, and Martha D,  takes him for vet visits and play dates when I can’t clear the time –  this boy has some really dear friends and he wouldn’t be where he is today without all of you, indeed you’re very special people.”

BIG thank you to Nadia D.  for the huge container of food for Chip – this boy eats two packages of ground turkey per day with rice added in.  He’s doing as well as can be expected. Yesterday he went to Martha’s house during the day so I could concentrate on work – he came back playful and full of the devil for sure so I think he’s on the mend.   This is day three of the dreaded Ivermectin treatment for his mange but so far he’s holding up well.  Chip’s bff, Karen M. , will be back soon for updated pics, your kind comments and support keep us both going, thank you!

So.. my blog buddies… this is what you’re helping us accomplish.  It looks as if Chip is pulling through, dare I hope.  And your contribution is what’s making it possible along with our efforts. Thank you ALL!….

I’ll be taking pics this weekend so you can see for yourself πŸ™‚  

19 thoughts on “Chip Today….”

  1. I am so glad he is better! I wish I were closer and could help. It would be a long commute from Canada.
    I check your blog every day to see how Chip is. Hope he has a steady return to health and happiness.

  2. Hi Karen,
    I am following your blogfrom Canada and have been hoping and praying that Chip makes a full recovery but that he also finds a forever home that brings him endless days of peace and contentment. I wish we could save all the "Chips" out there.
    Your awesome.
    Kim πŸ™‚

  3. Karen, this makes me cry. I worry about this little guy and I'm so happy he's having some good days. He has the sweetest face and looks so trusting. More more more good news about Chip!!!!

  4. Karen, I've been busy lately and haven't had much time to read so this is the first post I've seen about Chip. I know a product that might heal Chip very quickly, here's the link…
    I just used it on a hot spot on Ben and it was GONE in 2 days. The M-T-G orginal formula is the one I used, Cindy at Shapley's said the smallest amount on skin problems like mange, eczema or hot spots will heal. Nothing I've ever used on Ben has worked so quickly. Call the 1-800 number and talk to Cindy about the new one that's coming out for dogs… I have a feeling
    she will send you a sample! Poor Chipβ™₯β™₯β™₯

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