Kent Falls, CT

  Every now and then, when winter stretches out into a particularly long cold dreary New England blanket of grey, I dream of moving to a warmer climate.   As winter drags on, we do our annual search for that warmer place to call home.  Every other season here, however, reminds me why I love New England afterall.  There is so much history and diversity in the geography of the place.  And the change of seasons… I could not give that up.

  The hike up the 250′ falls recently- the one that helped us decide to lose the extra baggage…was so beautiful.. honestly it’s a spiritual place.  One can imagine the natives  long ago gathering at the falls for fresh water, fishing and bathing.

“Kent Falls, located in the northeastern section of
the town of Kent, is a series of waterfalls on a mountain stream known as Falls
Brook. The stream begins in the town of Warren, draining an area of six or seven
square miles. It then flows west to the big fall where it plunges approximately
70 feet in a dramatic cascade. From here the stream descends in a series of
lesser falls and cascades to the valley, where it enters the Housatonic River
some 200 feet below the brink of the big fall only a quarter mile away. Much of
the limestone over which the brook flows has been carved into interesting shapes
including numerous potholes of all sizes.
The Indian name of this area is “Scatacook” and there
is considerable evidence that Native Americans fished and camped by the falls.
Later, in colonial times, mills were also present along the brook.”

 Come for a walk…

 At the base of the falls… you can see people wading…….
gives you size perspective.

The water is crystal clear, cool and so refreshing…

A beautiful dove graces us with it’s presence…
The sad  truth is it was probably released in someone’s wedding ceremony
and is now left to wander and fend for itself, most likely to die of
starvation because it has been raised by humans, fed daily.
 There is a path that leads up the side of the waterfall….

Each fall of water lands in another large pool…


..tumbling down the mountainside to the next pool..and the next.

Another perspective photo…..




 Healing waters, these are….
one can’t help but settle into a feeling of

..except for the damned Dove. 
I wish I could have captured it….
My kingdom for some bird seed
and a little more enlightenment bestowed upon the human race.
Just sayin.