Kinda like the postal service

 …rain, sleet, hail, snow…. Dog Days delivers, just like the postman.  The last Dog Days was on the eve of Hurricane Irene.  This one brings with it a snow storm.  We weren’t surprised.  Today we had to close down and empty out the big tent by 1:30 because the snow was too wet and heavy – fear of tent collapse made the call.  We will resume again tomorrow, under better weather conditions.   Below are some happy faces – I don’t have the count yet, but I’m guessing atleast 30 to 40 dogs found homes in the first 2 hours this morning.  Pretty amazing.  Now let’s hope for a fantastic turnout tomorrow. 

Teenagers working the general store
and earning community service hours…

He took that little guy home πŸ™‚

The rainbow bandana means they’ve been adopted and are going home!

Mill Pond Veterinarian speaks to new owners about care of their dog…
This is the lovely lady who took them in overnight so they’d be warm.

 This guys loves his new pup… that is one lucky dog.
For all you Chip fans… he came to the event, but is not yet ready
to go to a new home.  Here he is modeling a new line of dog crate accessories
and a sweater which he clearly didn’t approve of.  Perhaps it’s the pattern πŸ™‚
This little baby fit in my pocket. 
Thankfully she went home in someone ELSE’S pocket.
 My friend Lynn and her family with their new boxer girl –
Heading home with their new family member…in the SNOW.

…and this is what I came home to.
Weird weather, I’m tellin ya.

27 thoughts on “Kinda like the postal service”

  1. How great that you had such a good turnout on such a cold snowy day. And all those new homes for the pups. I was happy to see Chip in his nice little sweater. I hope he has a new family before too long. He's just precious.

  2. Poor Chip. He looks so sad. I hope he gets a home soon. And the weather, and the timing of the last 2 events, that's crazy.

  3. It is soo crazy to see pictures of pumpkins with snowcaps!
    I love seeing your reports of so many animals going home…so much hope!
    I'm also so happy to see Chip still making progress…what a wonderful heartwarming post πŸ™‚

  4. I think Dog Days must surely be doing some weather conjuring, to be hit with two strange occurrences. Hope tomorrow has a fantastic turnout and high success rate. Stay warm!

  5. Oh Karen! I am THRILLED to hear all about the dogs and their new owners!! So many adoptions! How wonderful…doesn't it just make you SMILE???? Even though it snowed…there were alot of happy dogs AND happy owners!! Hope tomorrow goes well for you guys! Chip will be doing better…I'm just sure of it…at least he got to venture out and visit a bit!

  6. crazy to see snow on pumpkins ! glad all those uppys are finding good homes! Be carefull as you venture out in the snow today!

  7. Izzy's face looks just like Chip's face when she wears a sweater. So thankful you had the turn out you did in that wet, snowy weather! Good luck today!!!!

  8. The happy smiles on people's faces say it all. Hats off to you and your volunteers! It's clear to see you all love these sweet dogs.

  9. Getting a bit tearful here. So good to see so many happy faces there. And Chip looks so much better, if a little sad in that photo πŸ˜‰

    Sorry that the weather isn't working with you. Looks like Christmas.

  10. Thank you for sharing all of these happy faces. I'm so happy it went well (sans the weather). I hope today unites even more dogs and owners. Good luck!

  11. i just adopted my 3rd rescued German Shepard last Sunday..or do they rescue me?
    We had our sweet Heidi put to sleep 2 weeks ago and could not stand the lonelness in our home.
    Greta is doing great and is such a happy girl…we are so lucky!

  12. Oh, Karen! My heart just beams to think that so many pets were adopted there. Look at those happy faces. I love the one of the schnauzer with his eyes closed. He seriously looks like he is smiling!

    God bless you and all the folks that work there AND bless those that found it in their hearts to share their hone with a new family member! Blessings – xo Diana

  13. Congratulations to all of you who worked so hard to help these sweet pups! You should be so proud Karen. If I lived closer I would come and help. We are animal lovers and at the moment we have 2 dogs we used to have 3 our Spanky lived to be 17 years old he was a great dog and he is truly missed.

  14. karen i am sooo happy! thank goodness so many of the sweet pups found new, loving homes. thanks so much to you and everyone who helped to put on the event. my thoughts and love are with you all! xo, mickey

  15. Just love seeing those rainbow scarves! Hope eventually they ALL find wonderful homes! So much good work by unselfish people!
    Frost on the pumpkin–just seems too early! It's finally cooled off down here, but you never know in Arkansas! I never pack away the summer clothes!

  16. Some crazy weather we are having isn't it! The next time you have Dog Days planned I will prepare in advance:)

    Looks like it was pretty successful even with the snow…Congrats!

  17. I know the weather was pitiful, but I sit here with a smiling face knowing the love that was there volunteering with those sweet pups. I'm so glad the day was a big success. The families look so excited to go home with a new pet. The snow is beautiful falling on your house and your pumpkins!

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