knock me over with a feather

   As you already know, I eagerly anticipated our first egg. When we collected three, I scrambled them up so we could get a taste of what everyone has been raving about for years…. “home-raised eggs are SO much better tasting than the ones you buy in the grocery store.”    Honestly, I used to think… an egg is an egg, how different can it be?

  The difference is amazing… as the post title says, you could have knocked me over with a chicken feather.

The shells are thicker and right now the egg is smaller, as is typical in the first weeks of laying.

 Look at the color of those beautiful yolks…

 And the eggs as they appear on the plate, such a rich yellow. These are fully cooked, this is not raw yolk.

Since we only had three little eggs on Sunday morning,  I had to scramble up a batch of regular store bought eggs (free range organic! which doesn’t really mean much)… and the taste can’t compare.  Look at the color, even!

   *Something I learned from another blogger… the simple act of how you scramble your eggs can change your dining experience.  I no longer break them in a bowl and scramble until fully mixed before placing in pan.  I butter the pan, heat it, and break eggs in the pan… let the whites solidify some, and then take a spatula and begin  breaking up, or scrambling ( not completely though) .  I throw in cheese if it’s requested.  They come out looking like this, and the taste and texture are so much better!…. go figure.

  The reason local farm raised eggs are so much better?  Diet and living conditions are the simple answer.  While commercial chickens might be given a good quality feed, they don’t get anything else.. like yogurt, lettuce, raisins, tomatoes, apples, sunflower seeds, Cheerios!  All of which my hens enjoy.   They also get to roam around a little in their chicken yard, instead of extremely cramped quarters or NO MOVEMENT AT ALL… see below.

This is what one company considers “free range”,  not caged. 

 So if you are lucky enough to have access to purchase local eggs,
I highly recommend it.


26 thoughts on “knock me over with a feather”

  1. I enjoy making eggs and bacon with home fries for dinner, and its probably my most favorite meal if i had to chose. Im not one for a buffet but i think ill go to a restaurant this Friday morning that serves Amish/Mennonite style food in my neck of the woods and have their breakfast buffet. Richard

  2. My bestest friend and her hubs own a hobby farm and her eggs were awesome! Many many times I would get cartons where every egg had a double yoke!

    She stopped having chickens and I'm still bitching about it. Just because she works 50 hours a week. How selfish of her! 😀

  3. Karen,
    While we are in Maine, we only have farm fresh eggs. The color is incredible. We also get a green or blue egg in each dozen. Just the best. We also scramble the eggs the way you do!

  4. All right… I am going to have to test this one out! The eggs I used to buy in Germany sometimes had feathers stuck to them and what I am sure was poop. Those had to be fresh!

  5. You're SO right! There is nothing better than fresh eggs from happy chickens! We had almost 50 chickens at one time because we couldn't keep up with the demand once our friends tasted them! We had to get rid of them when we thought we were moving but I am putting an order in this week for 2 dozen chicks because I miss my chickens and those delicious eggs!

    If you let the eggshells dry out and then smash them up, you can feed them back to the chickens. The eggshells provide calcium for them!

  6. Karen, aren't those big ol' chicken houses just disgusting? Isn't it crazy how much harder the shells are on the eggs from our girls? We think we have three laying, now. yeehaw.

    xo, Cheryl

  7. The little elderly lady I bought eggs from has retired from chicken raising, so I'm looking for another source! Karen, you are so right about the difference in taste and color! That lady told me that eggs in the grocery store have been in cold storage for six months! No wonder they have no flavor and look so anemic!
    I'm missing my fresh eggs!

  8. Oh yes, that's what I'm talking about! Such a difference in fresh eggs vs. storebought. We are lucky here to have Great Day free range chicken that has a natural diet. It's those yolks that tell it all, and you know the smiles your chickens have on their little beaks says something!

  9. So happy the peeps are laying. That looked like a pretty good meal. Sometimes we have eggs, etc in the evening for our dinner. Just got 2 dozen fresh eggs from my farm friend this afternoon. Cheers to the chicks!

  10. Yes, I do support my neighbors and bought 2 dozen eggs earlier today. I have a couple of neighbors I buy eggs from and switch between them to help keep them both in business. Fresh eggs are so superior to store bought!

  11. So glad you are experiencing this! We have been buying farm eggs for about a year now and I can't imagine going back!!! Happy eats!

  12. Congrats on your first real eggs! I remember a few months ago when you were shopping around for a coop 😉 It's the best feeling ever, huh? Not to mention.. they truly are more delicious than anything you can buy. I will try this version of scrambled eggs.. thanks 🙂 -Tammy

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