Leap Year Baby

It’s an actual birthday for My Hero this year!
A few of his favorite things…
You know, I tried calling this young woman, the italian model in
this years superbowl Fiat commercial that Mike is still talking about
.. I  had a simple request, really… would she visit and sing “Happy Birthday Mr. President”
 while he blew out  the candles on his oreo cookie birthday cake. 
Her people didn’t call my people back, but it’s the thought that counts, right?
 Happy REAL birthday, Mike.
May we share many  more….
Oh, and the only thing you’re getting from the above images is the cake.
Just sayin.

26 thoughts on “Leap Year Baby”

  1. Happy Birthday, Mike… Now, we all know you are a smart man, so no pouting about the Italian not showing up to sing to you, Okay?? She probably doesn't know how grow tomatoes anyway.

  2. Happy Birthday Mike, looks like you had some big presents in store for you… too bad you didn't get your song! Oh well, I'm sure you'd agree you have everything you want already…

  3. Yeah, my husband almost breaks his neck when that commercial comes on. But, she is a pretty woman. I can't deny that. 😉

    Awesome cake — Happy Birthday Mike!

  4. Happy Birthday, Mike!

    He's only the second person I know of with this birthday. The other was my dad's mom.

    Well, I'm sure since your people couldn't reach her people, that you'll dress up, wear super high heels, and throw your hair back. He'll be happy with that and that awesome cake. 🙂

  5. Oreo cookie cake… yum!

    I love your blog. Can you share with me how you created all the links in blogger. I wanna do that. (ClassenDesign@gmail.com is my email if you can send me info). Thank you so much!

  6. Never mind! I figured out how to create those little tabs that link to pages. Duh, turns out Blogger's been offering that little feature for a whole year now! It's amazing what you learn when you take time to Google. Carry on…

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