Learning as we Grow

 It’s a glorious spring weekend and I sure hope you’re able to get out there and enjoy it… stick your hands in the dirt, go for a walk , a bike, a hike.. breathe it all in, soak it up, the earth is alive again!

 The men moved our little apple grove  yesterday.  A few years ago we planted apple trees down in the low areas near the house, garage and chicken coop, at the base of the hill where the horses live.  They have not thrived, the reason being they don’t like a whole lot of WET.  Where we originally planted them is a water shed area of sorts, not a great location for a small grove of apple trees.  We finally figured out that when we visit other thriving apple orchards, they are located on hills.  The trees are now planted up on the hill behind the house.  – learning as we grow!


Old boy Max grazing…

Opie feeling good in this fine weather…  

Vegetable seedlings sprouting.. begonias waiting for
a little milder weather before they are planted outside

The chickens favorite dust bath spot next to the garage. 
We gave up on a decent flower bed.

The new chicks with even more feathers just a few days after
their last photo shoot. 

This is our big purchase from the garden center a few weeks back…
a lovely garden trellis made of giant old blueberry bush vines.
It was made by an artist and located on a Newport, RI Estate
until recently.  We found it at Balleks Garden center and it
now resides between our two raised garden beds. I’ll show you a better
photo when it has some greenery around it and the braces have been removed.  

Neighbors across the street have some beautiful ducks… who are not happy
with a new construction project going on over there.  So, they’ve decided
HERE is a more peaceful place to hang out.  I sure hope the coyotes don’t get
them, as I don’t have a duck house and the chicken coop is already full. 
They are happy in this particular spot because it has a waterway running  through it…
This is where the apple tries TRIED to live.

It’s a new day, all – make it a good one!