Learning to be still….

  The first year there was a lone goose.  He or she stood out there in the front field day after day in the spring rain and sunshine…waiting?  Longing?  Confused maybe.  Alone for sure.  The next year the goose returned, still alone. 

   This year… not only did he or she arrive with a mate… they moved down to the pond behind the house and started a family.  My son came bounding in the house this afternoon… “Mom, bring your zoom lens!”…
  and we saw this….
 One of the very first things we did as a family when we moved to our current farm was hop on the lawn mower and tractor and go down to the pond to mow.   The grass had grown tall and the phragmites had taken over a large section of the pond and we were anxious to clear it out so that we could lounge around out there and enjoy the peaceful setting.   It occurs to me now that we didn’t do enough of that. We got tangled in the every day race.   We haven’t quite learned yet how to be still.
 Perhaps in This Old House……

8 thoughts on “Learning to be still….”

  1. Strange how hectic daily life seems to get in the way of some of the more important things. Love the new header, again… and of course, all your photography.

  2. Aaaaah Karen, so true! I rail against this all the time, yet it happens over and over.

    I, too, love the new header.

  3. How did being still become something that we must actively seek to do? I am frantically doing things, and I have to remember to sit. Computer time is multi-tasking, sitting here with the cat in my lap. She needs her morning lap time, and so do I.

  4. We have a momma duck sitting on a nest of eggs in the bush across the street from us… those gosslings are sooo cute! Yes, all too easy to get caught up in doing and going and very little time spent just being.

  5. Perhaps that goose has brought her family there to teach you how to be still. :-))


  6. Remember what we chatted about yesterday? You will soon have an awesome place to practice some stillness! Keep doing your yoga…maybe out in that beautiful field of yours! Love the pics!

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