You know what I love about being 55 years old? A few valuable pieces of knowledge become fully ingrained. People who are not interested in the truth and integrity of a thing especially when it doesn’t coordinate with their own prejudices or enrichment are not worthy of your wasted energy in trying to shed light. They’re not looking for light, they like dwelling in anger or hate or chaos, maybe mean is in their makeup and their brand of broken is not yours to fix. For whatever reasons, that’s their comfort zone even though it is detrimental to their own well being. This is no place to allow any time suck of your own.
Also, those people who didn’t value your presence in their life on any real level, those who you allowed to erode your sense of self worth in a relationship, a job force, a club, a friendship , whether in a monumental or peripheral relationship even in the school yard all those years ago if that applies to you…. anywhere on your life’s journey? It’s a beautiful thing to discover and know fully in your heart you were the decent human in that equation all along, and you still are. You cultivated a good human in yourself, and they are still who they showed you to be all those moons ago. Believe people when they show you who they are.
Anger has no place in a healthy heart – let go or be dragged, and pity those who can’t see beyond their own existence to value the good relationships they could forge, and for a better world for all, including themselves. (!)

True wisdom!
I learned painfully years ago that I can’t make people be anybody but who they are. If that doesn’t fit with me, then I’m the one who has to let them go and move on. Life is easier since then.
Oh yes – It’s painful and many times necessary. I (and all of us) could go on and on. I’m still learning as I like to imagine and haven’t gotten where I’d like to be – but then I think, “where exactly is that?” I don’t know! The current times is definitely exacerbating this in my life. Well, duh mmm? All of us that are here super appreciate the candor you bring here. It’s good. xxoo
How beautiful written! I’ve been thinking about you because of a big purchase I am considering! lol I want to buy a Jeep. I drive a BMW now so I’m getting some negative feedback from family members. But I’ve driven a BMW for YEARS and I thought the Jeep would be fun to take to the trails that we hike. So I test drove a couple and I felt great driving AND riding in them. I know you have Jeeps so I think I’ll look around your blog and see what you’ve shown in the past. It’s a big change but I think it is a FUN one and I’m not too old to have FUN am I?! hahaha! I guess even if I got a new BMW someone would say….why the heck did you buy THAT car! lol hugs!
Never was a truth more clearly spoken. I had someone deliberately post on my blog this week (a short rude word comment) so I would go to HER blog and see what she had written about me on there. An unhappy bitter woman who will never change but wants to drag people down with her. I am glad to say I really don’t give a sh*t – we were once friendly many years ago but then she seemed to lose the plot entirely and fell out with everyone she knew. Her problem, not mine.
I have a wonderful family and friends – doubt she can say that any more.
Thank you for this post.
I agree with you 100 percent! Leg go or be dragged.
Amen sister. l00%