Let them eat cake

I love cakes, cupcakes…. send me to a good bakery
and I am a happy girl.. especially with a good cup of coffee in hand.
(although now that I’m eating gluten free it just really sucks to be there)
I also like to bake, and the creative side of me loves
 the funky decorated kind.
With Fathers Day rolling around, I got to thinking about cakes again.
Mike likes his cake real simple.
..but just look at the fun cake designs I found on the web…

This one is just so beautiful I had to throw it in.

Do you have a fathers day tradition for the Dad/husband/father in your life?

14 thoughts on “Let them eat cake”

  1. we don't have any father's day traditions and i have never had or made a cake for him on his special day….at least not that i can remember…..isn't that sad…..maybe this year i'll be inspired to do something new 🙂

  2. I love the grill…well, I love all of them. And I am a cake lover but have zero willpower if there is cake in the house. No cake here this weekend, for both our sakes.

  3. We do… it's lake, grill and beer! I love the cake with the mowing dad- that would be perfect for Jerry! We have a very steep yard and it's a killer every time he mows! Happy Father's Day Mike, expect to be treated like a KING all day!

  4. My hubby would be so impressed with one of these cakes. It's amazing how they are being decorated, cupcakes, too!

    Hope you have a great weekend and Father's Day celebration!


  5. LOL!! These are great.

    So, you're gonna make the chocolate one, right? I'll be there about noon on Sunday. 🙂

  6. Ooh, that last cake is so pretty and feminine! I would love that cake. Hubby however would take the first one, chocolate with chocolate with chocolate. I'm not eating cake right now either, so you and I can suffer together, Karen. :-((

  7. I love those cakes. My youngest dd makes beautiful ones. We don't really have any traditions other than the kids all show up and I feed them! xo Diana

  8. our farm bureau supper was tonight and I had a dangerously good chocolate cake for desert. I'll be up for hours. My father's day tradition is calling Daddy and saying hi, I love you, what's happening.
    it's what he wants and makes him happy…the name of the game.

  9. I used to make the plans when the kids were little, but now that they are grown, I cross my fingers that they will remember to call or send a card.
    There is a bakery in our grocery store that makes frosted cinnamon croissants, and of course these are what I crave being gluten free.
    One if these days I'm giving in!!

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